Did you guys really think JJK would be any nicer at this point? Pffft. What happened in this chapter is no surprise at all. Of course he’s gonna be an asshole. Of course he’s gonna treat Kim Dan like trash. It’s obvious that a major turning point gonna happen only then he will change. Mingwa gonna give him the most horrible of downfall and made him crawl for Kim Dan. That’s how she did with BJ Alex. You guys can’t expect him to change overnight. Besides, it’s obvious that JJK doesn’t know how to show his appreciation to people around him. He express them behind his annoyance that it’s troublesome (and coz he’s allergic to being nice). Stop whining about him being an asshole coz he’s gonna stay that way for a few more chapters before damn red flag dyed into green and start whining about HEESUNG AND POTATO’S PLOT????? IT’S TIME FOR A PLOT B TO PICK UP, MINGWA-NIM?????