Nice to see I’m not the only one rereading this after the new story came out.
I just reached the chapter with Hyesung’s parents.
I would like to say that Hyesung’s parents are trash. They not are on the same level of trash when it comes to being people as his father physically and sexually abused (pimped her out to bosses) his mother. But when it comes to being parents they are on the same level of trash.
I completely understand her running away and leaving hyesung to escape that man won’t shame her for that. Had her plan been to settle down and become financially stable enough to take care of Hyesung that would have been fine. But that wasn’t her plan she met a man and never told him she had fucking kid.
She went back to get a divorce but not Hyesung. “Well she was told by that dick that hyesung didn’t want to see her?” and she believed him?!? The man that abused and neglected hyesung while she was still around. Hyesung knew from a very young age of wtf was going on he knew what his dad was doing to his mom and that his dad didn’t like or care for him.
So when she appears in front of Hyesung asking him why didn’t he come to find her pissed me off so bad. Like WTF DO YOU MEAN LOOK FOR YOU? He was a child who dropped out of school, struggled to get by,was homeless, and then finds out that he is omega and ends up pregnant? With what time and resources would he had to find you and hell would you had even wanted him to find you as your new family didn’t know he even existed.
Here’s another thing she said that she didn’t want to appear because dickbag told her hyesung didn’t want to see her and yet here she is once she sees Hyesung is married with a kid. So she wants to see him
Look Hyesung’s dad is scum of the fucking earth that it is quite easy to see obviously.
However, His mother pissed me off because it’s almost like she is stupid, naive, or willfully ignorant of her own fucking actions and words.
Her excuse of “Hyesung didn’t want to see me so I didn’t go see him.” is fucking dumb. Instead of pushing to see him and tried to him explain to why she left, she simply shrugged her shoulders and walked away. As I stated above she didn’t push because she was starting a new family already who didn’t know he existed “his” decision to not see her made it easy to start over.
And if she didn’t push was because she was scared of dickbag, or because she thought Hyesung would be better without her growing up. Once Hyesung became an adult she could have went and found him then and she didn’t.
Sidenote/spoiler for love is illusion superstar:
Also, Dojin is an idiot for keeping it a secret that he is helping her.
I need someone explain why mc is the way he is?
When Seyin was in elementary school, he first met his half-brother, Gon Hanyeol, when Gon Hanyeol's mother went to ask Lee Juho, Seyin's father, to provide Gon Hanyeol with everything he needed. That was the first time Seyin's mother found out that Lee Suho had cheated on her. An agreement was made with Gon Hanyeol's mother, but Seyin's mother went away. Lee Yesin and Gon Hanyeol were born one day apart, with Yesin being born on February 1st and Gon Hanyeol on December 31st.
After that, the two grew up together, studying at the same school and spending time together whenever they could, secretly, since they weren't allowed to go to each other's houses. The fact that Gon Hanyeol was Lee Yesin's half-brother was an open secret, everyone knew it since it had been in the news and then silenced by the Lee Corporation, but still there were always people speaking badly of Gon Hanyeol and his mother.
Lee Yesin always defended Gon Hanyeol, and Gon Hanyeol always supported Lee Yesin, but when they turned 19 everything got worse, since on one occasion, when they were spending time secretly in Lee Yesin's room, they heard an argument between Yesin's mother, who had returned after 7 years and Lee Juho, in which she claimed that how was it possible that the children had been switched at birth.
It turned out that Gon Hanyeol was Lee Yesin's mom real son, and they had been switched because Gon Hanyeol had been born with some problems and they didn't think he would make it. The ones that came up with this plan were Lee Juho and Lee Yesin's grandfather. After learning this everything things got uncomfortable between Lee Yesin and Gon Hanyeol, with them avoiding each other and all that and guilt eating Lee Yesin away.
Lee Yesin felt so guilty for taking Gon Hanyeol's place by right that he confronted his grandfather and father but seeing that they couldn't do anything against them he come up with a plan to make his grandfather recognize Gon Hanyeol, he would live the wildlife with the money they had given him to keep shut and ruin his reputation so he didn't have any other choice but put him aside and recognize Gon Hanyeol, he also contacted lawyers and reporters that could cover the news and expose what they had done, but the day before the gala in which he would expose everything he got a call from Gon Hanyeol telling him that their grandfather had called telling him that he would recognize him, after that Lee Yesin called him and his grandfather told him to stop all his plans and to come to the gala with Gon Hanyeol and they went to buy a suit for Gon Hanyeol together.
The next day they showed up together to the gala but as soon as they were inside they heard people wispering bad things about Gon Hanyeol, and blaming all the bad things that Lee Yesin had done in the last few months on him, Gon Hanyeol couldn't stand this so he left inmediatly and when Lee Yesin tried to go after him he was stopped by someone saying that his grandfather wanted to speak to him, it turned out that everything had been his grandfather's plan to make Gon Hanyeol look even worse and to threaten Lee Yesin to stop. At this point Lee Yesin understood that there was nothing he could do against them and he was even grateful that he didn't have to be the one being attacked and getting all those bad looks, so he agreed with the condition for them to leave them alone to which they agreed, after that he left the party after staying for a little bit and picked up some blue flowers he had ordered for Gon Hanyeol and went to Gon Hanyeol's house only to find he had commited suicide
*Go Hangyeol
OMG, thank you!!!
Thank you so much!!!