As an asexual...this is just horrible. So many guys have tried this same tactic on me to "fix" my asexualilty. BTW aces GET HORNY, they can have SEX too! It's just a lack of sexual attraction. I relate to the uke so much and the fact someone he trusts so much is manipulating him like this is just... Disturbing
Alright since people are getting mad that we find this to be rapey. Fine. Even if this wan't rape, its still HELLA manipulative. Shi knows the situation with Tamaki's mom, he knows he's uncomfortable, and yet he's still pressuring him into sex.
Any sane person would just let Tamaki be until TAMAKI is ready! If you need sex for a relationship and it isn't being provided, MOVE ON. Like I don't understand why people are defending this crap.
Did Tamaki end up 'consenting'? Sure? Verbally. But it was definitely coerced. The point is that Tamaki would never 'agree' to this if Shi wasn't being so aggressive.
Also why should Tamaki even HAVE to have sex? Maybe to others it is trauma or a disorder but so what? He shouldn't feel pressured to do something he is uncomfortable with.
I really thought this was going somewhere with Shi learning about Tamaki's notebook, but nope, he just ended up being selfish again.
Oh my god THANKS. This author already has been so borderline in previous works and previous chapters of this one, but this last chapter is SICK
Tamaki insisting after Shii said NO several times, then keeping touching him when Shii said very clearly that thehey didn't like it and wanted to stop.
And the fact that the end of this story is gonna be Tamaki falling for Shii and not even questioning what he did to him is SO the WORST MESSAGE to send to readers. Do you get off on this? If you're turned on by rapey stories, well i'm not gonna judge you, but you should definitely rethink your view of power hierarchy in sexuality
Sick author, sick story. Ew
Oh my god THANKS. This author already has been so borderline in previous works and previous chapters of this one, but this last chapter is SICK
Tamaki insisting after Shii said NO several times, then keeping touching him when Shii said very clearly that thehey didn't like it and wanted to stop.
And the fact that the end of this story is gonna be Tamaki falling for Shii and not even questioning what he did to him is SO the WORST MESSAGE to send to readers.
To people thinking its no big deal: Do you get off on this? If you're turned on by rapey stories, well i'm not gonna judge you, but you should definitely rethink your view of power hierarchy in sexuality
Sick author, sick story. Ew