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moo1 created a topic of Comes In Threes

Basically in the second season Jungho and Jun end up dating even though Jungho still likes Ahin, Ahin basically tells Jun this and then coerces and rapes Jun with a promise of not contacting Jungho (the author doesn’t treat it as rape but it is). Jun then asks Jungho if he likes him, At this point Jungho actually likes Jun but it’s too late and Jun doesn’t believe him. Jungho confronts Ahin about telling Jun in which tries to prove Jungho still likes him by kissing him, Jungho rejects his advance and leaves then. (In the middle there’s a flashback about how they met as children and how Ahin was abused as a child ((I feel like they’re trying to redeem him but he’s still a pos))).Then Jun later finds out that Jungho was also the one who SAed him during the class trip and basically Jun stops talking to him, then Jun’s brother intimidates Jungho into avoiding Jun, Jungho finds a way to finally speak to Jun which he confesses that he did SA him and put the trash in his locker because Ahin told him too, he hopes that Jun forgives but obviously Jun is pissed that he lied for so long. Jun confides in his brother and his brother goes off on Jungho (good) but then literally chain locks their door so Jun can’t leave (bad). And now for some reason Ahin is breaking Jun out to go on a trip with him, idk why Jun went but the author is shit whose surprised. The latest chapter (60) has left off with Jun’s brother finding out he escaped with Ahin and going after them and basically Jungho confronting Ahin on the phone about being with Jun and his brother coming. Then for some reason Ahin says “Jun chose me, no you or his brother, he chose me.” Which is funny cuz Ahin said that he was happy “Jun chose him” the morning after Ahin raped Jun (to which Jun internally said he didn’t choose him at all). Personally I don’t think the author can handle the topic matter, they treat some matters seriously and then make jokes about imprisonment and sexualité and joke about rape.