In a way i dont think it was intended that way but the author is portraying perfectly how a relationship become toxic.
Like rn they are definitely being toxic to each other with their insecurities eating them and lack of communication. Its always back and forth but ultimately its always the same problems that comes back, communication , complex, jealousy, lack of self confidence... only when it s been so long its not cute anymore, its just plain toxic.
Its funny how a lot of people are like wtf is this its disgusting and all but at the end of the day this DJ is always in top in the category. Like after all this time this keeps being read by many and is still popular. Funny. And fascinating.
Btw what is the point of shaming people who might like it? They are not hurting anyone by liking it no? They are minding their business and so should do all the judgmental people commenting. You can dislike it obviously, its your right and it’s understandable but shaming others who enjoy it? Really? And its not because you enjoy a porn dj ( with no plot) portaying rape that you are a raper yourself ... Either are you okay with rape Irl..
I have a question concerning Yashiro trauma I believe it was propably answered in a chapter but I dont remember which one...
I know that it s because of his step(?) dad raping him in his childhood that yashiro started to look for Violent painful and abusive Sex, and to be disgusted by affection and kindness while having intercourses, but i dont remember if it’s because His Dad was violent so to cope with the trauma he came up with this « I dont feel anything if it doesnt hurt » and to believe he likes it like that, or because on the contrary his dad was gentle when raping him so to cope he went for the exact opposite, Violent and abusive sex with No Love?
It's been a long time since I've read this yaoi so I may be wrong but in my memories it's like that : being raped by his step father was horrible for him, it must have hurt pretty bad (tho he didn't beat him or anything but still). So as self protection, Yashiro must have thought "I liked this kind of sex, it was pleasurable" instead of "it was so disgusting I want to die"... Something like that. A way to escape reality to stay sane I think. And then it must have evolve to "I feel pleasurable if it hurts".
Damn writing this made me feel so angry... To think there are real children that have gone through that... All rapist should go die blergh x(
.. why some people are having debates as to why POTN ( or SG more precisely) is shit or why POTN/ SG is wonderful in the comments section recently? Obviously it snot all the comments are about and I am not complaining on the contrary its interesting sometimes but i saw several discussions giving arguments why its bad and people trying to defend it with other arguments.
Either you like it/him or despise it/him why trying to justify even push your own opinion on other? I mean if you like it/SG you dont need to have a reasonable justification for it, you dont have to feel shameful or attacked bc several people are saying it s bad or SG is a bastard that shouldn’t be appreciate while you like him. I like it, i enjoy the story for what it is. Its not an original BL, its a cliché one with the common rich bastard dude falling in love with the pitiful poor dude being okay with being abused by rich bastard. And Still I enjoy the story even if I know that. Same I am Not gonna say SG actions are good bc I like him, he is damn interesting, and if not for his craziness I would have dropped the story.
And if you dislike the story or SG you dont need to shame those who like it/ him and be condescending with them. You have the right to dislike it/ SG and to voice your opinions just remember those liking it/him arent doing anything harmful to you by liking what you dont.
Thank you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)☆゚.*・。゚