Predictable considering the previous episode but it hurts nevertheless. Plus this last panel seems to really indicate something will happen between her and sunbae, it seemed ominous. Maybe they are gonna date for real and sunbae will get serious. If its the case it will be Mincheol fault and he will only have his eyes to cry and I am not gonna be sorry for him. You are cute mincheol but being chicken hearted is not, its only annoying and frustrating.

Omg I want to slap and punch him in the balls so hard! He is the embodiment of a self centered misogynist disrespectful selfish entitled snobby bastard! I never hated a character like this before. Omg how? How could he simply believe he can make his way unwanted in her home, check what she is doing because he doesnt believe her, take her underwear and still daringly look her in the eyes without an once of guilt or shame for behaving like this when he is NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to her but a FRIEND she feels obligated to please because of his mom! Which he is aware of! The audacity !
Yes I will