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Haru's topics ( All 103 )

Haru January 29, 2025 4:55 am


Haru January 18, 2025 8:36 pm

I find it so funny that we all have the same brain cells lol. I also genuinely thought tht he’s gonna be hot and was shocked when an old man came hahahaha.

Haru's questions ( All 94 )

Haru February 23, 2025 5:26 am

Hello, im a 24yrs old asian female and i have a bf for 3 years now. My family have been talking about marriage but tbh i feel like i dont connect with my bf .our conversation has been very very boring the usual how’s ur day. He is kind but he’s not ambitious and i have been earning more than him. But he’s really nice but i dont feel happy and he doesn’t put effort anymore. (We just have long distance relationships but only talk for 1 hour every week)

There is also another guy that is just chasing me. (Ofc he knows i have a bf). But weirdly he have every single thing my bf does not have that i want.

I have been thinking hard about what to do. I dont know and i also will not cheat on my bf. So even if i do go with this new guy, i need to decide if i want to risk it or not and break up with my bf.

Any thoughts hehe? :(

    niku February 23, 2025 5:37 am

    If you don’t see yourself marrying your bf, I don’t think you should waste your and his time. So if I were you I would break up with him! But it’s kinda weird that the guy chasing you is chasing you even knowing you are in a relationship.. so just be careful of that. I wish you the best of luck tho!!

    kys February 23, 2025 5:46 am

    you only live once! if you continue dating this guy you’ll be wasting time being unhappy, just because he’s not a total jerk doesn’t mean there isn’t reason to breakup with him. being kind and not terrible doesnt mean you have to stay, do what makes you happy. being in a happy relationship most of the time you will never have you question it like this.

    additionally with the guy chasing you I’d still be careful, you don’t have to jump into a relationship right away but watch out and see if he’s crossing any boundaries. A guy being persistent when you’re in a relationship isn’t always a good sign. but only you will know! goodluck!

    Kelp February 23, 2025 5:46 am

    If I were you, I'd try talking to my boyfriend about my concerns about him and the relationship as a whole, and see if he tries to change for the better. But if you don't think the situation with your boyfriend is salvageable, just leave him. It may be difficult, but its better than continuing to waste your time and his.

    Also, about the new guy, I'd recommend keeping an eye on him. He may seem fun now, but a guy who pursues a girl who he knows is in a relationship is likely to keep up that same behavior in the future, regardless of whether he's dating you or not.

    ktrevv February 23, 2025 5:46 am

    I've read this countless times and count figure out why you telling us your asian is relevant...

    Pickle February 23, 2025 5:49 am

    Tell him, if nothing changes leave. I hope one of the reasons you don’t like him anymore is because you earn more than him, don’t belittle the dude. There’s no risk, with the way this is worded sounds like you don’t wanna be with him anymore and just pity him cuz he’s been kind to you, which is a bare minimum . Also do you just want this other guy cause he has every single thing your bf doesn’t have that you want, idk if it’s a language barrier problem but if it isn’t that’s umm yeah…

    Haru February 23, 2025 6:02 am
    I've read this countless times and count figure out why you telling us your asian is relevant... ktrevv

    Oh, i wrote this cause my parents have been urging me to marry at my age. And i feel to be single forever. So the current bf feels like a safe option but will be an empty yet peaceful life

    niku February 23, 2025 6:15 am
    Oh, i wrote this cause my parents have been urging me to marry at my age. And i feel to be single forever. So the current bf feels like a safe option but will be an empty yet peaceful life Haru

    You don’t gotta explain yourself to them, I think you being Asian was relevant, theres clear cultural implications. And even if it was completely irrelevant who cares? Lol like it’s not like it’s hurting anyone by adding that you’re Asian!

    Haru February 23, 2025 7:57 am
    You don’t gotta explain yourself to them, I think you being Asian was relevant, theres clear cultural implications. And even if it was completely irrelevant who cares? Lol like it’s not like it’s hurting ... niku

    Hahaha thank you so much for this. I’ll remember this and apply it to my daily life too. Sometimes i care too much about what other people think and thats a bad habit of mine

    Haru February 23, 2025 8:00 am
    you only live once! if you continue dating this guy you’ll be wasting time being unhappy, just because he’s not a total jerk doesn’t mean there isn’t reason to breakup with him. being kind and not terri... kys

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who help me and even wrote paragraphs!!!! I will talk with my boyfriend and give it a month before deciding what if im going to break up. I have been prolonging this for far too long lol.

    And i will also be careful with the guy who’s chasing me. It is weird that he chase me even knowing i have a boyfriend. He might be the not loyal type and i ofc want a loyal bf.

    I hope the best for everyone’s love life or if you prefer to be single that’s fine too! HAVE AN AMAZING DAY YOU ALL. HOPE BOTH SIDE OF UR PILLOW ARE COLD

Haru January 8, 2025 12:52 am

Plssssss recommend me hunters related stories! Any interesting one that is not focused on smut.

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