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weebassk September 23, 2023 5:33 am

honestly, i love this manga and most of the time the people in the comments have the same thought process i do, reminder this is GAY SMUT, and these comments becaue of this episode have not been so fun to read as per usual. WE’VE KNOW SINCE THE BEGINNING that he was an asshole who was gonna be a pain in Doc Dans ass, but at least in a way hes still always been considered about Doc, not in the nicest way but still is. So why is it pisinh everyone off now that he just shows it off to shoo someone away from him?

If y’all really dont like it, stop reading it. But please dont ruin the comment section.

    koda September 23, 2023 5:57 am

    u cant even call this consideration. dan never consented to it, he isnt some object hes human so ofc people r gonna be like wtf when he gets watched without knowing. also i think as readers people in this comment section can have a say, its not “ruining” anything

    Tmsmyz September 23, 2023 6:30 am
    u cant even call this consideration. dan never consented to it, he isnt some object hes human so ofc people r gonna be like wtf when he gets watched without knowing. also i think as readers people in this comme... koda

    It is ruining it. The haters have took over. If you like the story or jaekyung you are attacked. If people In this comment section can have a say. Then why can all?
    “Jinx lovers are weirdos”
    Jeakyung defender are sickos

    That isn’t a say. That is hate and not allowing others have their say. Many people have stop responding due to HATERS hating. Genuine readers and ruining the comments section. Wake up. It is toxic.

weebassk May 6, 2021 1:09 pm

why were THE scenes CENSORED??? TT^TT

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