If they keep up this capitalistic arc, this is just gonna get more and more boring. It's already dragging as it is with no plot development.

Bro really drops by like Santa Claus once in a while in his own manhwa huh?

It's not the child's fault, it's yours for banging without protection and throwing the respect of your family and fiance out the window. You fuxking ruined the life of that guy, your fiance, that child, your sister and her husband. You are a fucking bitch with nothing that can redeem you. To think this trash is reigning over a country...

Just binged this and-

- why am I doing this to myself?

He's a bitch and I hate him. This story would be so much better either without a ML, or someone who js very kind and understanding who'll treat her like a queen after all she went through.

Also, before calling Flavia as a bitch, remember that she and her mom has inferiority complex, and her mom takes out her frustration on her. Ofc she will be delusional, but you guys are going too far with hating.

This story looks like it was written by some 16 yr old when she was grounded by her parents over some silly shit. Where's the seriousness, elegance and flow of a story?

I keep getting this feeling that Tan is being misunderstood and it hurts me to see how stereotypically biased she was in the beginning (well I binged the series) and the point that she named him after Satan, I name my dog better than that My boi is just the victim atp and thank god FL is becoming more understanding

I swear I was normal created a topic of summer season

I have noticed it before, but the ML looks completely different and very hot with his hair up

The brothers inferiority complex lmao, typical man with fragile masculinity, fucking maids cause they can't say no to him lol.

I don't understand anyone who says Alphonso is plain? Like he has the most dimension in this story, than anyone. And Ceasar being just witty was all it took for some shallow people to forgive him speaks volumes for itself.

That short haired bitch gets on my every fucking nerve.

Bet after all this Huimin will still claim no homo.

Bro's redemption arc was sleeping on the couch. Atp, let them suffer together.

Throw the whole family away. Under the author's influence or whatever, they're very ignorant. Just apologising isn't gonna do anything atp.

The Queen is trash through and through. So she forgot about her status and family's pride until she slept with him? And ML and FLs parents have undying loyalty to this trash? She doesn't even deserve this shit.

Her ex just seems so unbothered even after these many days of breaking up.
His ex must have been in scandals and stuff, keeping their relationship a secret and not giving him enough explanation, which he got tired of. Hope both of them can be happy together.

Hater gonna hate hate hate hate hate.
Beta gonna get all sex sex sex

Who's gonna clean up the house now, it's a nightmare