Cornflake_eater's experience ( All 0 )

Cornflake_eater's answer ( All 10 )

Bruh people who say 'oh it's Japan. That's normal' are fucked up. Like????? What????? In some parts of the world child marriage is normal but we don't act like that's okay over there? I'm not saying that we should like completely ban things like that....but I just wish there was an author's note or something in the beginning admitting that the con......   1 reply
15 02,2021
tell them to mind their own business. Yaoi isn't problematic, it's the fans that make it problematic. Yaoi does encourage people to fetishize gay people, but people need to realize that gay couples aren't goddamn objects. If you stay in your lane, you'll be good. Don't let people tell you to stop doing the things that make you happy.   1 reply
05 07,2020
I got Omega???? *T-poses agressively* Do you NOT see me asserting my dominance????   2 reply
06 05,2020
ya sure, then I'll just stick with shounen Ai lol   reply
06 05,2020

Cornflake_eater's question ( All 1 )

Ever since quarantined started, i've been reading a lot of manga on here, and it's kinda made me realize something. Mayyyybe I'm speaking really broadly here, but in the most yaois i've come across, the sub is almost always saying 'no, stop, slow down' while the dom is always just not...listening?????? Like everything is just borderline non-con, with most being dub-con at best. I really wish there'd be more tags and warnings for these type of things.

Is this true for straight manga too? But like most of the straight (nsfw-related) manga I've seen have shown both the women and man 100% consenting.

And I knowwwwww 'they're fictional characters, they're not real' but it STILL would be nice if yaoi/other creators put warnings in their stories.
27 08,2020

People are doing

did hate myself

24/7 no sleep 4ever in this perpetual state of self deprecation

7 minutes
want to do not getting over someone

Im too ace for this

10 hours
did being queer

I’m pan and have know for a long time. And I have a big problem with falling in love with my best friends.

11 hours