I agree with @Queenbanana Read yaoi until your heart content. I think the yaoi that helped me over my heartbreak was "Totally Captivated.
Ewon Jung said" I know about those nights where for no reason, you can't fall asleep.... when you're left all alone, with nothing but a burning cigarette. I know about the emptiness that you can't escape. it ea...... 1 reply
I want to get married one day. honestly, not for social reason or any one approval. I just want to spend the rest of life with the one person that drives me crazy and totally captivates me. Now I know it's sound cliche. But too many people believe love is irrelevant or no one wants to settle with one person. Now I guess my unorthodox way of think...... 1 reply
I watch a lot of porn, I am not ashamed of it. However, gay porn well ( porn in General). it's just about sex, it has no meaning. I read and watch a lot of yaoi, But I don't read yaoi for the sex. I read it for the story build up. Porn doesn't make me cry like yaoi or hate the seme because he is a jerk. Yaoi is better!!!!!! 6 reply