Shit! about to get down, he gonna take back everything that is his. Hopefully the story goes like that.
Can someone kindly give me all the manga names. I got only a few. Please
Um, it's already in the summary?
The last chapter got me. (Say what)
I don't know, but I want more of this story. I want to keep going. I don't even know how many time I read this.
MAN!! I was hoping for his ex to come back so he can torture him. Shit, why did he have to die.
I shouldn't read the raw, I'm bawling my eyes out
What happened
Lol where did you read them
And was what happened happy or sad cause I'm so friggin nervous right now
Its was both. Sad and Happy.
I read this manga so many time. I will never get old. I will always cry. I loved love this manga
Hell To The NOOO!! Its can't end like that. Don't hurt my feelings like this. Oh God!!