For “officials,” their quality control/proof reading and localization sucks. I googled it, but it’s hard to believe that a company as big as L***** would allow something of this quality on their site. I haven’t been paying attention, but are these mistakes in other comics distributed by them or just this one? I’m curious if this may be part of an overall downward trend in quality.
Rereading some of the earlier chapters, completely forgot about how Nakwon lied and told Mokhwa(sp?)’s boss/flower shop lady that Mokhwa ended up in juvie because he killed his cousin’s bf because he had some weird incest love for her (he was saving her from her gang rapist bf), and that after he joined the gang he beat up 19 innocent evictees (other gang members ina turf war).
Also, mokhwa is so cute wrapping flowers in ch 10 lol
Lmao they’re finally realizing that a chiropractor isn’t an actual doctor and instead is a barely trained quack practicing pseudoscience that at best: doesn’t fix the source of the problems so they’ll def reoccur, and at worse: worsens issues or straight up kills people.
A physiotherapist is better. At least their professions’ Wikipedia article doesn’t have two columns at the top comparing the claims of benefits to the risks.
Anyways, y’all see that one chiropractor who does his work on animals? If you need only one example of how awful chiropractors can be, look him up. Obviously, trigger warning for animals and pets being abused in the name of “medicine”
Funny how Nakhon is trying to play the sexual assault card when he LITERALLY RAPED HIM in the beginning, and you could make the argument he technically did it multiple other times (even after he discovered his feeling for him) via coercion.
It’s interesting how Mokhwa seems kinda oblivious when it comes reading into things that have to do with love but the moment he gets threatened he’s suddenly able to read people so well and see through it. Just shows that he’s used to dealing with that, but not love.
Gotta love stories where instead of some convoluted bs it’s just like
“I’ve always loved you”
“Oh fr? Me too sorry for not being honest about my feelings sooner”