yall piss me off so bad… yall completely forget how jaekyung treated garam the whole time they were fuck buddies… (he was a homophobe mind you (i dont care if it was internal)) yall expect garam to be so clingy to a guy that used to treat him like shit?? me and my ex didn’t call each other pet names until a couple of months. yall completely forget how relationships work since yall jump into some in a week and it fails terribly. its shitty how yall completely disregard garams trauma lmao….
Agree, I get that being untrusting and uncommunicative is kinda annoying. But you gonna look at it in the perspective of someone who was treated like shit, someone was betrayed and someone who witness his boyfriend to be a womanizer before. And the moment he calls his boyfriend was in a bar. What was he suppose to think.
wtf is this