I don't get the hate Garam is getting in the comments. People are saying he needs to communicate and stuff but they've literally been official for less than 2 weeks maybe even 1 week from what I can tell. Before that they had multiple fights and JH was a jerk. Garam even said he didn't expect JH to be this serious about their relationship. No one not even his friends believe JH can actually be serious about someone. But somehow Garam is supposed to?. Garam is taking things slow and JH is flying forward. With JHs past, it's only logical to take the relationship slowly and be cautious about falling too hard. Still Garam felt bad because he knows what it feels like to like someone who doesn't like you to the same extent. He called JH only to be told by a friend they are girl hunting. With JHs past anyone would think he's out cheating. But somehow this is all Garams fault??? This all started because JH got jealous of Garams ex. Something he didn't even bring up to Garam. Why is it up to Garam to communicate when JH is the one with insecurities. Garam was oblivious and belived things were going good. JH should have brought up his feelings like an adult and discussed it instead of blowing up and walking out.

There's no cheating. The professor isn't married. He wears the ring to keep people away.

Yeah I saw the raws. It's basically a 5 chapter p*rn w/ plot. Although the bottom does believe the top is married till the last chapter.
The bottom gets upset seeing the ring so the top puts it on him and tells him it's not a wedding ring.
There is a hint at the end that the bottom has a bun in the oven.

So her heterosexual parents neglect her and she's unhappy and different. Yet she's pushing him into a heterosexual relationship with no guarantee that it will be or stay a happy relationship. And no one in her life had discriminated against her or treated her differently for being a neglected child. I get her mother's words hurt her but that's her issues to resolve, whether with her parents or a therapist. But these 2 guys are loving and kind and treat each other and the baby with love and care. I just don't understand her perspective because she's acting like she was being discriminated for being different and she's worried they might go through the same. But she wasn't.

As a person to whom being affectionate doesn't come naturally I understand Gram. He's only been in love once before and that ended in trauma. He was also never close to his parents growing up. How would he know how to show affection if he's never been shown it. It's not that he doesn't like jaehyuk, he just gets flustered and embarrassed. That's exactly how I feel, akward and embarrassed, and I dont even have past traumas. Plus They've only been dating for what few days, it's not easy to change in such little time. Jaehyuk's feelings are valid of course but until recently he wasn't exactly nice and affectionate to gram either. Now Jaehyuk has done a 180, it would take anyone time to adjust.

They're going around in circles. 33 chapters in and 0 development on either characters. You think there's progress and then next chapter drags it back right to the start. Their kid has had more of a character progress in the few panels he has shown up on. Can something just happen. Like slap the smirk off the seme's face and take your kid and leave!
I'd be pretty sad if one day I couldn't taste pasta or sushi. Instead all I could taste is a cake person and had to resort to some sort of cannibalism. Sounds depressing.