I don't really care about people who are finished reading the novel. (Cause I already did too) BUT!!! THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GUYS ARE ALLOWED TO RUIN THE EXPERIENCE TO PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T READ THE NOVEL.
Just be mindful you guys. I'm not hating on people who spoils but you guys are literally making new readers of Lucia upset. They go scrolling down the comment section and see all these subtle hints and spoilers. It's not really pleasant. Just be mindful and have some respect. That's all. Much love!

Sure, im all about forgiveness and things like that. But knowing what Zhishu's been through with him for almost half a decade of shamelessly cheating, I dont think a simple apology and make up sex can atone for all the sins this bastard did. Sorry, Im not hating on the people who wanted them back together but reality check guys, a person who abuse you like that doesn't deserve anything but grave punishment. I have not one bit pity over this bastard. He can drown in his own pitiful tears all he want but I ain't siding with a selfish piece of crap like him.
I'm on lockdown. So why the f not right?