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Dan July 21, 2021 3:09 pm

anyone knows what's the novel name? and which chapter this last update is featured in the novel? Please lovely humans

Dan July 7, 2021 11:41 pm

I love it!! It's more perfect than I thought. it's tge perfect shojo manga. ahh, I just love the author. sensei, thank u for working so hard on this masterpiece. this manga really daved my day somehow. and I'm grateful for that

Dan's questions ( All 2 )

Dan March 20, 2020 1:10 pm

would anyone recommend a list or an album for Chinese manwha?? i find the works of Chinese artists are very beautiful

    hypochondriac March 20, 2020 2:28 pm

    Depends on where you’re looking I have a few BL but I’m not sure if you’re interested...

    Dan March 20, 2020 6:10 pm
    Depends on where you’re looking I have a few BL but I’m not sure if you’re interested... hypochondriac

    Something like Dear Brand, classmate relationship, too close,..
    I LOVED 18 UNLIMITED!! It's my №1 with 19 Days (〜^∇^)〜
    Also, THANK YOU for your time ȏ.ȏ

Dan June 14, 2019 2:05 am

Hello there!
I found once a user saying he/she was reading raws and taking screenshots then translate into English using Google.
That was a while back, so I'm not sure if I remember that correctly. But aAAaAaAh!!!! I NEED to read the next chapters of my favorite stories!! Please help if you know how I can translate into English!???
Please don't say learn Korean •_•

    kaaaaath June 14, 2019 2:22 am

    you can use that method, just download google translate app, screenshot the manhwa and scan it there u just need common sense to understand the convos and story, it's okay i guess, i did it too

    Keiki June 14, 2019 2:43 am

    Oh I've never thought of that. I can understand very minimal korean and even less japanese so I've never really thought about it, but I've used google translate when travelling and I guess it's pretty okay. Would work better on some languages than others probably. Chinese I think would be a pain to google translate

    Dan June 14, 2019 3:03 pm

    Thank you both very much *^O^*(^▽^)

    Peach June 22, 2019 12:38 pm


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