the pedophilia was disgusting but it's scarily accurate to what queer folks especially gay men have to face through really early on, we who are still figuring ourselves out are easy victims to pedos and after you grow up it just hits u that "oh that wasn't okay" ect ect. if im being honest the girl really pissed me off early on, and others too in this manga. people like homosexuality if it caters to their fantasy, we're put on display for heterosexuals to have a good time. Ofc appreciation and fetishizing is completely different things but smtms fujoshis are in the middle of that faint line that it's hard to like or dislike them. this manga was a reality check to me tbh, but it doesn't seem like it's written from a queer perspective but from someone who think they know queers that well... but that's just my opinion.
2021-09-13 03:44 marked
this item will be show after approved
2021-07-25 08:32 marked
2020-06-19 18:41 marked
2020-01-17 21:34 marked
2020-01-03 06:07 marked
Socially well adjusted people openly pointing out my near crippling shyness, anxiety, and awkwardness. Yes, I am aware of it and the impacts it has on my life. I don't need people rubbing the salt in my wounds whether it's to make fun or in an attempt to "help" me. I'm reaching a point where I literally want to just snap and start cussing people ou......
2020-01-03 05:26 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-01-03 05:21 marked
this is one of the few manga's that go deep inside homosexuality as a whole...