Why hasn't the mother thought of the possibility that the way she treated and neglected her daughter is the reason why she had this vision of her becoming a bad queen. That the cause of change in her is exactly from neglecting her and finding out that she has a younger sister that is loved by everyone and is spoiled and loved and protected by her mother to no end dI'd she expect that that makes her a better person?

Am I the only one who thinks that the prince is not really the King's son and just waits for it to get exposed?

Accurate enough! Seriously if nothing big happens to them until the end and (Spoiler) the queen dies like in the novel. I am gonna RIOT!! The manhua artist better change the ending! I saw some spoilers and I was anything but pleased with the progression of the novel... The manhua so far is doing well and I hope it stays that way and those two bitches pay for their actions!
I have the feeling that their mother was the King's Gurdian I'might not sure thought.
Didn't he transfer his guardian to his beloved late wife who died, making the guardian disappear ?
The Kid said so but can we believe what he is saying I mean he did everything to make them distrust the emperor. But that with the Gurdian was just a thought
Of mine.
I thought it was said earlier than that and that Duke Rosea's son merely refreshed the twins' minds on that topic again. I could be wrong, though.
I think they ask him why he doesent have one I could be wrong thought
Well, you're right, but I think it was mentioned very briefly before then. I don't know how many chapters before, and it could have been within the first ten. I have no idea.