new-shitposter did ( All 1 )

masturbated to yaoi

new-shitposter want to do ( All 1 )

live in omegaverse universe

new-shitposter's experience ( All 0 )

new-shitposter's answer ( All 6 )

add me please new-shitposter#2840   reply
29 05,2019
yessss finally !!!! new-shitposter#2840   reply
29 05,2019
My name is Ai , well that's not really my name just the two first letters of it , i'm female well at least i don't think i have grown a pair of balls and a dick during the night , i'm from a country in North Africa , my favorite manga genre is Shounen and Yaoi and anything funny ! nice to meet you all   reply
29 05,2019
Depend , if i were an omega then hell no , but if i were a beta it wouldn't be that different it would be nice , i may become some supporting character of some couple that would be nice ... THE DREAM WOULD BE TO BE AN ALPHA , gurl i would love to be dominant urghhh .. ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
29 05,2019

new-shitposter's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 days
did scuba diving


1 days
did grab someone's shirt

The most memorable one for me was rescuing a kid from falling down a cliff while we were hiking. Adrenaline rushed as I swooped down to help

1 days