everyone worrying over the rape scene but I'm worrying over about the boy- they literally call him a "kid" so he might be young- and not to mention in high school- i just hope he not underage, so if someone can tell me there age please do- also i don't wanna hear no "if you thought he was under aged why did you keep reading it??" just to answer that before anyone else says it- its because I'm not 100% sure how japanese ages in different type of school grades- so maybe hes 18- because over here a majority of teens finish high school at 17-18 so maybe its like that over there idrk...

yeah thats what i thought- japan has a lot of underage hentais and a lot of people like "shotas" or childlike characters so i thought he was underaged because ive seen so many underage romance manwhas and i dont read any of them cause i can tell just by lookin at the cover..... but i let this slide just because theres a probability of him being 18 also in the cover he appeared older to me, though reading the manga he looks younger- but other then that im still suspicious...

Sorry, but u really think underage sex its worst than rape? I live in europe and here if u are older that 14 u can have sex with anyone (there are some restrictions but not about the age). I really dont understand all of this hype about a minor character, rape is illegal but minor x adult relationships and sex are not (i mean minor= older than 14), in Japan the age of consent is 13/14 so i think its pretty the same lol.
Also, in Japan they have 6 years of elementary school so yeah they start high-school later at 15 years old, but its 3 years long so they end it at 18
Ps: i'm not angry or anything, im not really good at english and sorry if i "followed" u but i clicked the wrong thing rip

i get it but if hes under aged and the other dude is way older like maybe 25 (just using it as in an example) it would be fetishizing a minor and romanticizing pedophilia- which is something that is 100% not ok.... considering they are lots of pedophiles already in this world and i understand no matter what anyone does they wont ever go away sadly... but if he really is an under aged character (which no one knows yet but just saying..) this manga "could" be trying validate grown men dating minors- i feel uncomfortable just by seeing a 14 with a 17 yrold, it just doesn't sit right with me- some other ppl might see it differently but thats what i think

No sorry u dont get it ^^" its not a pedo an adult that is in love and make love w/ a teenager if its over 14 years old, thats it. Pedophiles who are actually attracted to childrend (from 0 to 11 years old) are actually few people in the world, not so many and people always forget that pedophilia its a mental illness, its not like if a person who watch a porn about a minor became automatically a pedo. Its a mental illness that comes from traumatic experiences. And no, this manga its not ""promoting""" pedo relationships because its not pedo, i mean its really problematic they relationship because of a lot of things but its not the age gap the problem. Do you know why people cant have sex with children? Coz their body and mind are not ready and u can actually damage them w/ serious consequences, nothing more nothing less. A 14 years old teen its mature enough to have sex, so its up to them to choose whoever they want, even if its an 18+ person, coz its normal and u should stop saying everything its pedophile just because its underage. If U dont like it ITS OK, but its not up to you to determined if something its pedo or not. Stop using words in the wrong way.

Listen you need to check yourself because stuff like that is illegal- a 25 yrold with a 17yrold is not right point blank period- i do get that a minor can fall in love with someone who is way older then them cause lots of teens are like that- im 14 and ive had crushes on movie actors who are way older then me but do you think it would be fine if that actor got with me just because he fell in love with me??- absolutely the fuck not- that other person is a grown ass man, he should know that what hes doing is wrong and its a crime, it doesnt matter- pedophilia is a mental illness not a disability, they know that what there doing is disgusting but continue to do it and no one would give a fuck because that man will go to jail regardless for committing a crime including manipulating the victim to think that its completely fine to be together will willingly doing something thats illegal- also this manga IS "promoting" pedophilia because it is romantizing and validating it- but im not 100% sure if it is cause i don't know the ages but if it is under aged people hopefully its a 17yrold and 20 yrold cause anything older then that tickles me wrong.... i 100% agree that a 14 can have sex with anyone but if the person who is older (in a wrong age) is AGREEING with having sex with them knowing that shit is a crime is fucking pedophilia because as much as you dont like it teens are still children they just have more responsibilities- and let me tell you this- how is it right for someone who is way older then 18+ to get with someone who is under 18+ when that person isnt even allowed to drink, smoke, barely have access to go into clubs (including strip clubs), not even get into fucking casinos and restricted from porn websites or any type of sexual videos if your arent 18 and older- so what makes it right for someone who is way older to do that to them when there restricted from all that shit??- and you know why there restricted from those things?? because there fucking children- you cant just have consent to fuck a minor while being way older when this person doesnt even yet have the freedom to do what they want- you saying that a 14yrold can fuck someone who is 18+ and its "normal" is not okay- go fucking check yourself and make sure to call up a mental asylum to make an appoinment cause you clearly got a something disgusting

Forces rape is worse that statutory rape, definitely, but statutory rape is a form of rape. You're literally having sex with a child, who's incapable of consenting. Unpopular opinion: 20 should be the age of consent tbh, as the brain is still going through immense changes during the teen years. An adult x child relationship, even if both are consenting, still has a power structure and an amount of manipulation as again, children are very vulnerable and their brain is not fully developed.
Just because something is not illegal doesn't mean it's okay. It's legal to beat your wife in some countries, but that's clearly not acceptable. Does that make sense?

You're right in some areas. Yes, pedophilia is different from Ephebophilia, and is a mental illness. The majority of child molesters are actually not pedophiles at all, it's just because children are easy targets unfortunately. You don't need to have a traumatic experience to be a pedo, although a traumatic experience like sexual assault in childhood can lead to you victimizing a child in the future, but as previously stated, most child predators are not pedophiles.
In no way is a 14 year old child ready to commit to an adult relationship or sexual acts. Again, their brain is still growing immensely. The whole argument of kids that young being able to consent is an absolute lie meant to excuse those who are sexually attracted to older children. They are still CHILDREN.
Science literally says the brain is not done growing. Even if they're mature FOR THEIR AGE and their body is sexually maturing, you still cause them emotional damage and unnecessary trauma.

why are people putting Noah in the wrong saying that he's thinking wrong and shit, he's being cautious because he lives in a world where he is a slave because of his skin color and his people are being discriminated, abused, killed and used for sexual pleasure even though they didn't do anything wrong- he honestly can't trust anyone who isn't a spinel, he has to be careful- please understand his feelings before you speak

People really want to pretend that they don't know what slavery is. Noah is being realistic. People here just want to pretend the whole slavery thing isn't a factor so that they can have the romance. The slavery thing is not going to go away because people want it to. It's one of the main focal points of the plot and is the whole reason why Dev is in the position that he is.

No cause literally what is the redemption? Theres like literally only one option, Jaekyun gets memory loss or sum shit and starts acting nice but I doubt it. Idfk what direction this stories going into there is NO progress, just Dan having stockholm syndrome LMAOO. The only thing I look forward to in this story is the nice crew Dan works with as a physical therapist...