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LaziaB July 6, 2021 6:04 pm

COMMUNICATION!!! What’s up with nobody talking putting everything out there, yeah she went through some traumatic things in her first life but in the second she has to realize that the things that lead to him being a cold hearted bastard are different and she could use that to her advantage (I’m going to be honest I don’t want the misunderstood girl treats girl like shit but she forgives and falls in love) but he seems to not be a complete asshole so…with her memories take a different path a make life better.

    LaziaB July 6, 2021 6:05 pm

    *I meant misunderstood guy treats girl like shit

LaziaB January 6, 2021 11:00 pm

(⊙…⊙ ) First chapter fist page...why in the Loli hell is this even here.

LaziaB's questions ( All 1 )

LaziaB January 19, 2020 5:28 pm

Is there any Yuri version of these stories. Every couple of weeks I see an adult webcomic with drama and sex sometimes the stories are good other times they're pretty bad, but they are is no good Yuri except What does the fox say but everyone has read that.

    LaziaB January 19, 2020 6:50 pm yung_medusa

    Thanks for the suggestion but I've already read all these stories. I really enjoyed Just right there and Pet aesthetics and just about every yuri manga on the site.

    fujoshi_99 January 19, 2020 8:09 pm

    I can't agree more girl! I posed the same concern here and someone suggested dynastyscans to me. The website isn't that good and still lacks a variety of Yuri mangas that are actually above average

    LaziaB January 19, 2020 9:39 pm
    I can't agree more girl! I posed the same concern here and someone suggested dynastyscans to me. The website isn't that good and still lacks a variety of Yuri mangas that are actually above average fujoshi_99

    I used dynastyscans for a while it was ok. It had decent art work but not a lot of variety.

    yung_medusa January 20, 2020 12:22 am
    Thanks for the suggestion but I've already read all these stories. I really enjoyed Just right there and Pet aesthetics and just about every yuri manga on the site. LaziaB

    I feel ya I feel like I’ve read all the good ones too. Sorry I wasn’t much help.

LaziaB's favorite ( All 56 )

Photo from YAOI SMUT vol.6 02-11 16:10
Photo from hey bishhh 03-04 06:13
white angels have no rest 09-30 20:36
Sadistic beauty 09-30 20:36
Photo from Arousing taste 05-10 06:41

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