Can't wait for 80 & 81 damn. Been waiting for that scene for 3 years now. Woo Yeon, that sonofabitch, is gonna devour him at the front door! They finally kissed again huhuhu. Sigh... can't wait to see him lose his mind in Hawaii.

It's in raws but here you go, enjoy!

I thought the seme in 2HA was the most unreliable one but Yaba proved me wrong in the latest raws haha. I started reading the novel since it's a very popular one and I just skimmed the webtoon raws and dear lord, the car scene was something - that tongue and when he sang. Alright, I have enough inspiration to read the novel now haha.
Trying to hold myself back from sobbing. Imagine seeing an officeworker ugly crying without making a sound at her desk, during office hours. I'm sorry I just can't help it. Everything was just so heartwrenching and beautiful. I can't wait seeing the last fights to be animated. I'll make sure not to hold back from bawling eyes out in the cinema. Thank you for everyone who made this manga possible. I'm truly grateful.