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Nelle August 4, 2024 5:06 pm

@257 - This is intense. Damn good as always. Me punching my pillow

    Nelle August 4, 2024 5:13 pm

    I cant even express how this manga is giving me butterflies and making me scream from excitement

Nelle July 30, 2024 8:43 am

I still can't fathom why people are so quick to label this as trash. Sure, the seme does make your blood boil, but have you seen the black and grey flags in novels and danmei? The manhuas and other stories where the ukes/shous are treated like rags, the seme/gong's friends and family constantly insult them, or where they're just treated as convenient sex friends despite being together? Compared to that, Jinx is honestly a walk in the park.

Maybe it's because my tolerance for red flags is set a bit higher than what Jaekyung brings to the table. I mean, at least he makes some small effort—saving Dan, being considerate to his grandma, etc.—despite it being a purely transactional relationship from the start. But yeah, I'm not saying he's not guilty.

I just wish there were more specific tags on Mangago, like they have on NovelUpdates, so readers know what they're getting into. It would save everyone time and brain cells, and we wouldn't have to endure people cursing at a character and hating the manhwa with every update. It's common sense that a story doesn't have to cater to every reader. If you don't like something, then please, just drop it.

My apologies if this unexpectedly offended anyone. I'm just sharing my thoughts since everyone's freely cursing while still reading this. It's not criticism; I'm just saying that my tolerance for scum is on another level. If you haven't read any wife-chasing crematorium novels (like the 188 series), I highly recommend them. You'll get a gist of what real son-of-a-bitches and scumbags look like.

I'm not defending Jaekyung's actions as being all good—because they're not. That's why I'm here, reading for the sole purpose of the chasing arc (and the art too) and hoping for a long redemption arc. And I hope we won't be waiting that long to reach there.

    chatsuke July 30, 2024 10:56 am

    Thank you for speaking the words I wanted to type for a few weeks now.

    It's actually upsetting how some people cannot understand that genres and topics that are considered toxic red flags are normal for authors/artists to write and weave into their characters and story. It's a genre that is perfectly fine to weave into a character for the author to tell their story, just like how other manhwa has murder, horror, gore, etc. it's hard to read those themes, but it's written as part of the plot to tell the narrative.

    I understand the worry of these sorts of stories to be glorifying abusive relationships. Though, I believe these sorts of stories should still be written in order to narrate the type of scenarios one could be in a toxic relationship. Often times people are able to notice the toxic traits and scenarios in fiction but are unable to notice these same scenarios in real life until someone points it out for them. If anything, I see it as a story that depicts these scenarios for people to identify toxic behaviors. There are people who have these toxic traits irl, and being able to identify these traits through noticing a fictional character's personality does help a person in real life situations eventually.

    Just like how some characters are domestically abusive (Endeavour from My Hero Academia), gaslights, and plays victim (Mother Gothel from Rapunzel), manipulative and murders (Light Yagami from Death Note). These traits are absolutely horrid for anyone to have irl, but their personality and behaviour play a crucial part in inflicting and affecting another character's growth throughout the story. For example, Endeavour's controlling, abusive and bad temper affected Shoto; Shoto grows up with key behaviours that affects how he interacts with the world and how his perspective changes when meeting Midoriya. The given circumstance allows Shoto to evolve as a character and make that change to accept his flaws, hatred and anger towards his father and to grow from it to be better than Endeavour. Of course, stuff like that shouldn't have happened to Shoto as a child, but it's just fiction, it's how his character is written and how other characters affects him with different personality/behaviours.

    Naturally, these characters, like Jaekyung, would be horrible people in real life; but they're fictional, they'rr written like this to fit with the theme and narration of the story. Jaekyung's character affects Dan, Team Black, his opponents and how the media may view him throughout Jinx; you see how Dan, his coach and even Yoongu gets affected by his behaviour. He has his backstory that contributed to his toxic behaviour. It is just fictional writing of a character decided by the author to play a part in the narration.

    I don't understand how people need to be upset and hate on a genre they do not wish to see. Just, don't read it and put the manhwa down. It is already established that this manhwa isn't something easy to read with it's themes, so put it down. There is no merit to continue hating on a manhwa that was purposefully written to have a toxic relationship with redemption, along with several toxic/abusive scenarios.

    It's like if I, as someone who does not like feet fetish, goes to read a manhwa that is all about feet fetish, and continue to complain about the manhwa being about feet fetish and expressing how much I hate it. I should've just stopped reading if I didn't like it.

    I too disagree with Jaekyung's behaviour, it is not excusable, but at least we should understand that he's a fictional character and written that way for Mingwa to tell the narrative of Jinx. He's a horrible person, despite knowing to have a redemption arc coming, it's perfectly fine to dislike him as a character and not forgive his actions towards Dan, but I hope everyone can understand that he's written this way for a cause, whether if it's good or bad, his character plays an important part in affecting Dan's development as a character.

    Oh god this is long, I will stop now. But thank you for literally having the same thoughts, I thought I was the only one and felt isolated.

    chatsuke July 30, 2024 10:57 am

    Thank you for speaking the words I wanted to type for a few weeks now.

    It's actually upsetting how some people cannot understand that genres and topics that are considered toxic red flags are normal for authors/artists to write and weave into their characters and story. It's a genre that is perfectly fine to weave into a character for the author to tell their story, just like how other manhwa has murder, horror, gore, etc. it's hard to read those themes, but it's written as part of the plot to tell the narrative.

    I understand the worry of these sorts of stories to be glorifying abusive relationships. Though, I believe these sorts of stories should still be written in order to narrate the type of scenarios one could be in a toxic relationship. Often times people are able to notice the toxic traits and scenarios in fiction but are unable to notice these same scenarios in real life until someone points it out for them. If anything, I see it as a story that depicts these scenarios for people to identify toxic behaviors. There are people who have these toxic traits irl, and being able to identify these traits through noticing a fictional character's personality does help a person in real life situations eventually.

    Just like how some characters are domestically abusive (Endeavour from My Hero Academia), gaslights, and plays victim (Mother Gothel from Rapunzel), manipulative and murders (Light Yagami from Death Note). These traits are absolutely horrid for anyone to have irl, but their personality and behaviour play a crucial part in inflicting and affecting another character's growth throughout the story. For example, Endeavour's controlling, abusive and bad temper affected Shoto; Shoto grows up with key behaviours that affects how he interacts with the world and how his perspective changes when meeting Midoriya. The given circumstance allows Shoto to evolve as a character and make that change to accept his flaws, hatred and anger towards his father and to grow from it to be better than Endeavour. Of course, stuff like that shouldn't have happened to Shoto as a child, but it's just fiction, it's how his character is written and how other characters affects him with different personality/behaviours.

    Naturally, these characters, like Jaekyung, would be horrible people in real life; but they're fictional, they'rr written like this to fit with the theme and narration of the story. Jaekyung's character affects Dan, Team Black, his opponents and how the media may view him throughout Jinx; you see how Dan, his coach and even Yoongu gets affected by his behaviour. He has his backstory that contributed to his toxic behaviour. It is just fictional writing of a character decided by the author to play a part in the narration.

    Nelle July 30, 2024 11:50 am
    Thank you for speaking the words I wanted to type for a few weeks now.It's actually upsetting how some people cannot understand that genres and topics that are considered toxic red flags are normal for authors/... chatsuke

    I must thank you, too, for the effort in replying and elaborating on what I meant in my post. I've been holding it in since Day 1 when *Jinx* got released. I waited for Season 2 like everyone else. Perhaps, fueled by desperation and hoping that the author would release Season 2 soon, seeing comments calling this work a piece of garbage made me frustrated, and I just had to let it out, too.

    I feel overwhelmed by the constant hate this manhwa is getting because people don't like the seme. Well, of course, duh, the author wrote him that way. From the start, we all knew the seme was going to be arrogant and hateful. What do you expect from someone who offers to pay a guy just to sleep with them anyway? From there, you should already see where this is heading.

    For us, we're used to reading seme like that as antagonists in toxic BL—again, a TOXIC yaoi. If you're asking why, it's like asking why there's a need for a villain in a superhero story.

    Just because a character's actions don't fit your preference, do you have to start hating the entire story? Are you judging other readers for liking this kind of work? Okay, that's fine. We all have different tolerance levels and preferences. But don't expect the manhwa to change for you; instead, maybe consider dropping it if it doesn't suit your tastes.

    Phew, well, anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, too. What you said was truly on point. And it's not common for people to defend something they like and explain themselves why they like such thing, only to be called degenerates or morally flawed by haters.

    chatsuke July 30, 2024 3:30 pm
    I must thank you, too, for the effort in replying and elaborating on what I meant in my post. I've been holding it in since Day 1 when *Jinx* got released. I waited for Season 2 like everyone else. Perhaps, fue... Nelle

    Oh my god, I understand how you feel. Often times people just immediately brand these sorts of manhwa as "problematic" or "morally flawed" is because they do not understand or acknowledge the other possible opinions; People forget that it's okay to disagree with an opinion, and sometimes it's hard to understand the reason of the opinion you disagree with, but being ignorant about it because it hurts your feelings personally is not the way, especially when the main factors presented by the manhwa has a targeted audience that enjoys a certain type of fictional work, and that audience is not you.

    In this case, the main factors about Jinx are: it depicts triggering topics, it's fictional, it includes problematic and concerning behaviour in its male leads (both Dan and Jaekyung) and other characters, it has adult material that depicts sex, alcohol, substance usage (the sports drink that Dan consumed). From this, we can understand that Jinx is basically a fictional NSFW adult manhwa that deals with two characters with behaviours that affects each other through the story with toxic and triggering scenarios. It is not depicting real life experiences and situations of real life people. It is not supposed to be an easily digestible story.

    I'm also with you about waiting for Season 2. I thought perhaps the author might be affected by these sort of comments made about Jinx, but then I think back to BJ Alex and realise that it hasn't been any different since then. Jiwon already started to receive hate from some people due to his behaviour, so it's no surprise Jaekyung is to face the same, and that Mingwa just continues producing her work, because it's the type of narrative she wants to write.

    I think people often forget that Jinx, like a lot of other manhwa, is NOT CREATED AS PORNOGRAPHY. There is a big difference between material that is created for purely sexual pleasure and masturbation, and material that includes sexual themes as one of the main subjects to narrate the story. Sure, I agree it does include genres that some people might find sexually pleasing; some people are into toxic tops, into non-con, etc. so they're free to take that aspect of this manhwa and enjoy it in their own space. People honestly need to remember that adult comics, even with multiple sex scenes, are allowed to exist as mature comics with actual plotlines, and not to be categorised as porn.

    It's upsetting that this needs to be pointed out because Mingwa, the author, in her notes, talk about the characters and storyline rather passionately, like any other comic would focus on. She has talked about BJ Alex where she explains her choices for certain scenes to affect the main characters' relationship with one another, she talks about how the side couple is rather difficult to write due her unfamiliarity with BDSM and their lack of details compared to the main couple. For example, one instance I find extremely important is how Mingwa chose to use safe words in Dom-Sub play. She chose MD, who is usually in-control and dominant, to submit it and say the safe words to Chanwoo, who is usually being controlled and submissive. In that scene, Mingwa shows how MD submitted to Chanwoo due to his feelings towards Chanwoo, as if the roles of Dom-Sub temporarily reversed between them. He's been a dominatrix for so long, but when it came to further causing pain to Chanwoo during the play, it did not feel sexual anymore, it just felt uncomfortable and guilty. The sex scenes are one of the main factors that further develops the relationship between characters, whether in a good way or bad way. She literally talks about her comics like they're, well, actual adult comics.

    At this rate, people might call me crazy for taking this manhwa so seriously, because it is just an adult manhwa. They are right, it is just an adult manhwa, and I very much just enjoy hot big men with big dicks do the boom boom sex on cute twinky bottom. I'm here for the story, art and sex scenes.

    Despite the story depicting difficult and disturbing themes, whether if the story is good or bad, I think I could at least show respect toward the author, acknowledging their creation and try to understand it; whether I like it or not is not relevant, which is something everyone should do with any forms of media. There will be people who are not going to enjoy Jinx, as evidently here, and there will be people who will enjoy it; everyone is going to have a different reaction towards it because well, we're all different.

    I think what's important to take away from all this yapping is that people need to stop seeing NSFW adult manhwa with uncomfortable themes as "problematic". If a certain comic/anime/book/figurine/music/etc. media makes you uncomfortable, it's most likely the targeted audience is not you. Media with disturbing, uncomfortable themes can still be consumed without enjoyment, by acknowledging and respecting the author's decision for creating that media. It is up to you to decide if it's good or bad, it is fine to have negative opinions and feelings towards it, but do not spread hatred towards the media, especially if the media is not intentionally harming/maliciously targeting towards a community. You can dislike and find discomfort in certain media, but there is no need to slander a piece of work that personally offends you, especially when you can choose to not continuously consume it.

    Idk man, I'm just tired of seeing manhwas like Jinx be slandered so hard just because someone isn't happy with the negative themes surrounding it, when there is a clear reason why it is written with those themes. If fiction cannot depict difficult themes as main factors for a storyline without making it a negative aspect, then we got a ginormous amount of fictional work to cancel.

    If you had read this far, thank you for giving time to my funky internet yappanese. I'm an unfortunate film/theatre student who insufferably enjoyed writing his analysis in various media papers a little too much

    yourbabe July 30, 2024 4:06 pm

    Thats a lot of yapping to simply say "I loooooooove sexualising victims of r@pe "
    Youre basically saying that because its fictional it has no real consequences. And the audacity to say that him getting assaulted time and time again builds onto his character?! More trauma does not make a more intresting story/character, you people who defend this with so much pride are the reason rapists can walk around free while the people they damaged continue to suffer in silence, because people like this see a pretty man and say he can do no wrong but everyone hated the doctor that assaulted dan in the firsts chapters but when jaepist does the exact same thing no one bats an eye. People who defend this shit are so fucking hypocritical and fucking disgusting.

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 4:38 pm

    This means objective reporting. There is no opinion.

    While toxic, abusive, and problematic, Jinx does not meet the criteria for rape if all details and facts are considered.

    This addresses username [yourbabe’s] strawman arguments and harassment:

    Yourbabe said, "That's a lot of yapping to simply say 'I loooooooove sexualizing victims of r@pe .'"
    This is a strawman argument, as there is no rape in Jinx.

    Yourbabe said, "You’re basically saying that because it’s fictional it has no real consequences."
    This is another strawman argument.

    "The audacity to say that him getting assaulted time and time again builds onto his character?! More trauma does not make a more interesting story/character."
    Another strawman argument. Some people enjoy toxic stories and are within their rights to do so. It's wrong to shame them for their preferences, which is unrelated to the topic here.

    Yourbabe said, "You people who defend this with so much pride are the reason rapists can walk around free while the people they damaged continue to suffer in silence."
    This is another biased and illogical strawman argument. This comment goes against what was said in the main topic.

    "People like this see a pretty man and say he can do no wrong, but everyone hated the doctor that assaulted Dan in the first chapters. When Jaepist does the exact same thing, no one bats an eye."
    This is more baseless accusations.

    "People who defend this shit are so fucking hypocritical and disgusting."
    This deflects from their behavior and is wrong to attack people for liking a story. It is disrespectful and disgusting how this person is treating others.

    Fighting over a story does not allow rapists to walk free or serve only up to three years. If this person cared, they would be fighting to put rapists in jail for life and making it easier for victims to report them. Stop fighting over a fictional story that doesn't fit the criteria of rape and doesn't represent their opinions on real life.

    Yourbabe’s comments contain several logical fallacies, particularly strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks. They misrepresent the original comments and unfairly equate liking a problematic fictional story with supporting real-life criminal behavior. This approach is counterproductive and detracts from meaningful discussion about the issues at hand.

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 4:58 pm

    Given the context, Yourbabe's attacks are unwarranted and overly aggressive. The original participants in this conversation were expressing their opinions on the manhwa "Jinx" in a thoughtful and detailed manner. They acknowledged the problematic elements within the story while explaining why they still find it engaging and valuable from a narrative perspective.

    Yourbabe seems to be a hater who has overexaggerated the story’s issues. Many haters react this way because they can't handle this type of story. They camp out for each chapter to repeat the same criticisms and attack the fandom, effectively silencing them. By using multiple accounts, they create the illusion that opposing opinions are invalid and wrong. This is an intimidation tactic where bullies gang up on others. They should voice their opinion and move on without harming anyone. Yourbabe’s points are abusive and contradictory to what she claims to be fighting against. She is trying to harm others to feel better about herself and to feel like she is contributing to her “goal,” but this behavior is counterproductive.

    When people excessively criticize or misrepresent a story because they dislike it, it can be driven by various factors:

    1. **Bias or Prejudice:** They may have preconceived negative opinions about the genre, themes, or specific elements of the story.
    2. **Moral Outrage:** They might find certain aspects of the story offensive or problematic and react strongly against it.
    3. **Confirmation Bias:** They selectively focus on aspects of the story that confirm their negative views, ignoring positive or neutral elements.
    4. **Trolling or Malicious Intent:** Some might deliberately exaggerate or misrepresent aspects of the story to provoke reactions or discredit it.

    This behavior, often referred to as **"bad faith criticism"** or **"trolling,"** can hurt people and deflect from constructive dialogue. It's important to recognize and call out such behavior to maintain a respectful and honest discussion.
    This is to address something that is said here and it is bigger than what is said. It is a hate group attacking people and this story to harm others.

    fudanbrainrot July 30, 2024 5:49 pm

    I agree, and I have noticed a big influx of hate towards mangas with dark/toxic themes. I can name COUNTLESS amount of heterosexual English romance books in where similar things happen (toxicity, dubious consent, physical aggression) but a lot of those communities are made of adult women who understand that it’s a given for the genre. Its called “DARK Romance” for a reason. However Ive noticed a lot of the BL fanbase, especially on this website, are underage. It’s not their fault, but because they haven’t lived life, they don’t understand the gender-cultural subtext as to why a genre (or themes in a genre) may exist, or that the media they intake doesn’t have to directly correlate with what they believe to be morally correct IRL. Media isnt there to give you your moral values, its there to entertain. Just because you’re a fan of something like American Psycho doesn’t mean you have to justify everything Patrick Bateman does in order to enjoy the movie. In fact a lot of people online like him and think he’s funny, because they understand that he is NOT REAL.

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 7:48 pm
    This means objective reporting. There is no opinion.While toxic, abusive, and problematic, Jinx does not meet the criteria for rape if all details and facts are considered.This addresses username [yourbabe’s]... Persistent Quill

    “Fighting over a story does not allow rapists to walk free or serve only up to three years. If this person cared, they would be fighting to put rapists in jail for life and making it easier for victims to report them. Stop fighting over a fictional story that doesn't fit the criteria of rape and doesn't represent their opinions on real life.”

    Fighting over a story doesn't address real-life issues like rapists walking free or only serving a few years in prison.

    Attacking people with strawman arguments and logical fallacies over a fictional story diverts attention from these critical real-life issues. Such efforts here don't help anyone.

    Instead of arguing over a fictional story that doesn't contribute to any real-life goals, we should focus on combating sexual violence and advocating for harsher punishments for rapists. We also need better support for victims who often have to relive their trauma when trying to get their rapist convicted, a process that frequently fails.

    The energy would be better spent ensuring rapists serve longer sentences and making it easier for victims to come forward. Many victims who have gone through the legal process once will not report again due to reasons like the trauma of the legal process and the low conviction rate.

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 7:52 pm
    I agree, and I have noticed a big influx of hate towards mangas with dark/toxic themes. I can name COUNTLESS amount of heterosexual English romance books in where similar things happen (toxicity, dubious consen... fudanbrainrot

    Good points. I have been thinking what to add but struggling and it is nice to see more points. You are right most are underage. However, there are a few 18-21 years old fighting the same way.

    T800 July 30, 2024 7:54 pm

    Jinx is trash and the reason most of us hate on it is because is fun to hate on. Iss just like how people are with twilight, thats shit awful but we watch it cause we like making fun of how its written
    Speaking about how jinx is written, so fr right now this shit is NOT meant to be anything else but porn. Like i could understand your argument for it being written about toxic relationships if it was about a manhwa like Killing Stalking, one that ACTUALLY addresses toxic relationships and writes them realistically. But how tf can you even come to that conclusion about jinx, half the fucking audience thinks horsekyung isnt even a rapist and isnt toxic Just because a story has a character that obviously displays toxic traits doesn't make it an elevated romance about realistic relationships, nawh, it just makes it a horrible and badly written romance with awful characters no one sympathizes with or roots for. We dont even get any flashbacks or anything to explain why jaekyung is the way he is, we arent shown anything to give him humanity and makes us sympathize with him. And you wanna kno why we dont get that? Cause this story was never meant to be about that, is jus supposed to be gay porn that caters to adolescent teen girls that grew up on 1D toxic harry fanfics

    Manhwaspicy July 30, 2024 10:27 pm
    Jinx is trash and the reason most of us hate on it is because is fun to hate on. Iss just like how people are with twilight, thats shit awful but we watch it cause we like making fun of how its written Speaking... T800

    I didn't even have to read half of your comment and I already realize how narrow-minded you are. Disgraceful literally.

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 10:41 pm
    I didn't even have to read half of your comment and I already realize how narrow-minded you are. Disgraceful literally. Manhwaspicy

    Basically. I have them blocked already.

    They neglected everyone has different tastes, and it's fine to dislike or like something and even discuss its flaws. This is a popular story and their opinion is the minority.

    I believe there are some misrepresentations and misunderstandings their message. They think this is pornography. They forget different readers can extract different meanings and significance from the same story.

    They bash that we don’t see his back story which we have hints. If she follows her pattern it will be in season 2. They overlook Jaekyung being humanize.

    The fact that some viewers don't see Jaekyung as toxic or a rapist doesn't invalidate the perspectives of those who do. And they used a strawman argument here on the fans. Media can be interpreted in multiple ways, and different audiences will have varied responses based on their experiences and perspectives.

    Critiquing a work's writing, characters, and overall narrative is valid. However, focusing on straw man arguments or mocking the fanbase can detract from a more meaningful discussion about the content and its impact.

    They did have an opinion in bad faith. I would be okay with that but they did attack the fans. That isn’t correct.

    Manhwaspicy July 30, 2024 10:45 pm
    Basically. I have them blocked already.They neglected everyone has different tastes, and it's fine to dislike or like something and even discuss its flaws. This is a popular story and their opinion is the mino... Persistent Quill

    Thank you!!!!

    chatsuke July 30, 2024 11:21 pm
    Good points. I have been thinking what to add but struggling and it is nice to see more points. You are right most are underage. However, there are a few 18-21 years old fighting the same way. Persistent Quill

    Don't bother. You said what you needed to say, and I'm honestly relieved that there are people who understand the points brougt up in this discussion and are mature enough to see the big picture that illustrates the important factors about Jinx and how it has affected people to form various opinions about it, regardless negative or positive.

    Of course, there will be people who see it as nothing but porn; there wil be people who see it as adult manga, as media with disturbing, problematic themes. Both views are valid points that are based on how an individual has interpreted and understood the media they have consumed, as everyone will have a different reaction based on their own experiences and feelings. It is not wrong for someone to feel uncomfortable with Jinx's themes. It's absolutely fine to feel discomfort towards certain topics and media. Yet, it is also not wrong for someone to not be affected by distubring themes and show interest in it being written in media, however bad or good the media may be. It's unfortunate that people nowadays cannot see that it is possible to disagree with certain themes and still consume media with those themes without forming a biased view.

    I understand how many are able to quickly lable Jinx as trash and immediately be defensive over any opinions opposing theirs. It's mostly likely that these people have their own traumatic experiences similar to the ones in Jinx, or as @fudanbrainrot said, they're just underage teenagers who don't know any better, which would point attenion to why are minors consuming such sensitive media? In the end, they're responsible for their behaviour and consumption in media. It's interesting to see how the people who strongly hate Jinx display similar behaviours that Jaekyung has; aggressive, unwarranted, unable to accept differences of opinion and just as disrespectful as he is towards Dan and his teammates. Don't know how this is suddenly acceptable behaviour to have when voicing disagreements towards opposing views.

    I don't like manhwas like Jinx, and especially do not find characters like Jaekyung likeable; he depicts similar traits to an ex-parter I had, and I find it rather uncomfortable to read despite the nice art, hot men etc, there are several other manhwas alike that I chose to not continue reading because the themes did not sit well with me. Yet, I continue to read Jinx mostly due to the fact I enjoyed BJ Alex and am curious to see how Dan and Jaekyung's story will end, despite the fact I wish to criticise the shit out of Jaekyung's character.

    Jinx's story has not ended yet; seeing so many people forming finalised opinions about it seems a bit unfair, especially since we have yet to enter Season 2, where Mingwa has teased that we will see emotional development between Dan and Jaekyung, how their behaviours affect each other while the plot advances. We have yet to see Jaekyung's backstory illustrated, which may explain his behaviour, or maybe make him a much more of an unlikable character, who knows. *I personally just want to see karma bite the shit out of Jaekyung's ass and the consequences of his problematic behaviour beating him up.* I'm curious to see how the story will unfold for a character with problematic behaviour and what consequences will he need to deal with; will Jaekyung suffer the worst? Who knows? Only new updates will tell us so.

    chatsuke July 30, 2024 11:46 pm
    I agree, and I have noticed a big influx of hate towards mangas with dark/toxic themes. I can name COUNTLESS amount of heterosexual English romance books in where similar things happen (toxicity, dubious consen... fudanbrainrot

    I know right. It's unfortunate to see how media has been analysed more and more based on one's personal experience and biased opinion, rather than to be objective and understand that disagreements may appear.

    In the end of the day, these people, underage or not, are well within their rights to feel uncomfortable, frustrated and disagree with Jinx's narrative in story and character. Just as how we are within our right to discuss about how we disagree with the amount of hate directioned towards manhwa like Jinx, and understand each others' feelings and opinions about it, despite whether it is positive or negative opinion. How we view Jinx is ultimately not going to produce any negative impact on these people, vice versa their opinions will impact us. It's an unfortunate impass but, it is what it is, it's what happens when one side refuses to see eye to eye.

    What IS a problem is how they chose to behave towards other people about it and think it's acceptable behaviour to display.

    Nelle July 31, 2024 1:45 am

    Pfft!!! My apologies for laughing at the two hate comments here. No offense taken, really. But it would have been nice if those two critics had presented a logical, reasonable, and rebuttable argument instead of pointing out things that don't even make sense. I don't feel the need to correct them or force-feed them the idea that one can appreciate a work while also being aware of its themes and what the author is trying to portray. But I'll try not to stoop to their level. After all, like what the other commenter mentioned, it's counterproductive.

    fudanbrainrot July 31, 2024 3:05 am
    I know right. It's unfortunate to see how media has been analysed more and more based on one's personal experience and biased opinion, rather than to be objective and understand that disagreements may appear. I... chatsuke

    Thats true, everyone has a right to not enjoy a certain piece of media, and express their opinion on it. An opinion is not suddenly “less than” because it is different from yours. My only concern is that it’s being treated as is everyone who reads or interacts with this type of content is a bad person, and that this genre should be eradicated from BL entirely. I myself know that these people want to make themselves angry by interacting with content/people they dont like. Thats not something that exists only here but all over the internet haha. But I just wish they wouldn’t make harsh statements such as “anyone who likes this type of stuff is XYZ!” Maybe Im an idealist but I wish we could all respectfully disagree but still love each other as a community (⌒▽⌒) Also if this type of genre didn’t exist, I think BL would be super boring!!! Real life is complicated and messy, and I love that manga reflects that in creative ways!

    chatsuke July 31, 2024 5:14 am
    Thats true, everyone has a right to not enjoy a certain piece of media, and express their opinion on it. An opinion is not suddenly “less than” because it is different from yours. My only concern is that it... fudanbrainrot

    I agree with you! HAHHAHAHA. In a funny way, even though I know it's a waste of time for me to type such long paragraphs of text, knowing that they aren't capable or won't bother to understand the points we bring up, it does give a satisfying feeling to see it all written out.

    You're definitely right with people that just make ridiculous assumptions. Like if I said "I like apple juice", they'll immediately say something like "so oh you're saying you hate orange juice?!", like what?? No?? That's not what I said and mean. It's somewhat hilarious to see them misinterpret and misunderstand opinions that differs theirs, especially if they're trying to make up reasons out of blatant nothing

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Fuk_To_U June 6, 2020 4:30 am

is that tommy wiseau in ur pfp

Nelle June 7, 2020 5:36 am

Nope. It's Yom Hiddleston as Loki

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