mangoga created a topic of Sketch

the author strikes again with a good sense of illustrating women

mangoga created a topic of Sketch

the author strikes again with a good sense in illustrating women

mangoga created a topic of Sketch
mangoga created a topic of Gig of the Day

of course his company is the reason why mcs family business went bankrupt and as a result indirectly the reason for his very unfortunate life, what are the chances of that ? not very high i tell you
the story was too good that they had to add a stupidly unrealistic drama.
usually i wouldnt care enough to comment on a trope like this but im mad because the story was actually good and didnt need it. the loan sharks, debt collectors, and his father already managed to fill the role for drama perfectly - most of the time even this is not enough drama for a story but for this one it fit well and was really enough

mangoga created a topic of Cradle of the Almighty

based on the cover i thought it was 2 adults who would become lovers that take in a lost / abandoned child and i was already so excited - then i looked closer and realized the child resembled the ml so i assumed it was their child and became even more excited
why did it have to be the ml IS the child the ideas i had before were way more appealing...
im no longer even the least bit interested in this after learning it

mangoga created a topic of Kiaedam

its so crazy how 25+ episodes in there was 0% romantic chemistry and now we're here

this story makes me feel like i've been shot by an arrow in my chest and im falling endlessly into never ending cuteness

mangoga created a topic of Stalker X Stalker (Kadiro)

the plush episode was so innocent and sweet i cried fr

mangoga created a topic of Sleepless Night
mangoga created a topic of Sketch

joobin is so funny and my heart fluttered at his gesture ♡
he really had me feeling different emotions this episode such a well made character

mangoga created a topic of This is Puppy Husband

"after seeing the money, it suddenly occurred to me that i want to live" real

mangoga created a topic of This is Puppy Husband
mangoga created a topic of This is Puppy Husband
mangoga created a topic of Got You! Wonderland

idgaf about the pet name darling but something about the way they say it makes me...

mangoga created a topic of Got You! Wonderland

LMAO i love a genius mc who doesnt get pushed around

mangoga created a topic of Sketch

im sorry werent joobins parents homophobic ?? was it this story or did i confuse it with another i forgot and am so confused rn

mangoga created a topic of Arrogant otto the 1st

a development in his pregnancy was finally revealed but i cant even enjoy it because this episode was a shit experience for the characters and the readers