im glad there are people who can sympathize with kim dan and those who have no responsibility to family arent here yet. i dont think i could handle their grandma just die already comments right now. my grandma is also sick, this episode made me cry a lot i relate to him so much. im visiting for new years but it makes me want to drop everything and visit her right this moment. i'll rely on phone calls for now T - T

i thought his words were out of place in the current situation but i thought the author made him say that for a reason. now that i know that it was just on a whim it was a bit too childish...like yeah provoke a jealous prince who shaped your life for years right before he goes into a fight with your soon to be lover and after you learn he's about to kidnap you and throw you off a balcony. when glunn asked how he used him to provoke he says "it's something you dont have to be concerned about" after just admitting "he'll never let me get away with this. he'll take it out on glunn." good thing glunn is more than strong enough to overcome his rage. i knew varabus has some lore where hes secretly keeping ennid safe thats why he feels so obligated to ennid himself but i will not be forgiving him. just to make myself clear before i get hate i like the story but it's also ok to comment on the writing when it doesn't make sense. like yes add suspense and drama but it has to flow~
the amount of people that think you get a vasectomy and its over...i beg you please go to school or at least educate yourself in women biology and sex education the topic of safe contraceptive alternatives for women is hardly brought up outside of it. vasectomy happens to be the most ideal and effective. the reversal of fallopian tubal ligation is not as successful as a vasectomy reversal. a vasectomy is reversible.
Yeah, I'm appalled at how little people on this site know about vasectomies
Plus, I have at least two friends who were a product of a natural vasectomy reversal lmao
I have looked into vasectomies. My husband is thinking of getting one. They are only reversible inThe 1st 5 years with a good chance to allow children. Like getting your tubes tied. After 5 years, that percentage drops to below 30%.. now I'm not defending men not getting vasectomies. I'm making sure the info is there and this is straight from the Dr's. Mouth.
I have my tubes tied, due to medical reason. And I had wanted to get them untied. 8 years after they were done. I was told I would have I higher rate of success with IVF then not, as I waited to long to untie my tubes.
Came for the manga, left with an education.
Lol real
I love that though, everyone can teach someone something. I hope the most random bits of knowledge in my head. From medical to medieval history, to political to scientific to trivia.. and non of it is linear lol
i see we have learned different information but this sounds logical, i will revise on this topic
Science is constantly changing but biology isnt, eventually we will have the technology to have temp vasectomies and Tubal ligation. Also age factors into it a lot. The you ger you are the more "time" they say you have to reverse. That is false, oh is that false. My doctor got so made with all this false information that people are being fed about a Vasectomies. Saying it's not a bandaid to prevent kids. It's sterization.
She doesn't know ow where this misnomer where it's reversible with no side effects, because it does. You cut you sperms count drastically. She's been racking her brain who's been spreading that.