everyones commending them saying they're communicating ( yes they are ) unlike other manhwas but they're also straight up fighting ??? not just an argument, this is getting heated and not in a sexy way...
i wont say too much because i can tell it will cool down after this but still its funny to see people gather around to praise something so much and then put down others

It's different because they always have communicated and they are a genuinely healthy couple but every time there was a fight, one would apologize and communicate so quickly that it'd be resolved right away which is actually awesome but that also means there hasn't been anything to challenge them and force them to grow. We all also know they'll resolve the fight healthily unlike almost every other bl so!!

its true that they always have communicated but this argument specifically is communicating and actively fighting while it might be fine for the characters since they're characters its a bit much, this would be pushing boundaries in a relationship with real people thats why it still applies
just because they always communicated like mature people doesnt mean that they cant go toxic. and im not saying they are i think they are the exact opposite of that and their relationship is a healthy one it just feels like your comment is an overall excuse as to why their characters cant really do any misdeeds when they arguing since they are communicating

Well, I don't think it's a misdeed to fight actually? They both have valid reasons for being upset and the healthy thing to do in a relationship is express that and argue if you need to and then work it out. No one is saying they're perfect and I think everyone knows it's a fight but they needed a fight and we all know they'll resolve it through communication and that's the part we're all praising. They're acting like a healthy human couple which is so rare in any fictional couple LOL

argument fighting is natural and inevitable but grabbing me by the collar, pushing me down, raising your voice, and looking at me with crazy eyes is not. depending on the relationship i might want to break up and if not have some distance and take a break, someone who acts like this once may usually be this way. i dont think joobin is that type of person but if we're basing it off real life and praising it for being healthy it should be allowed to comment on.

They're both drunk and while he was pushed down it didn't seem very violent, his partner looked surprised but not at all in pain or threatened
he literally burst into tears because his partner wasn't putting more blame on him...I just truly don't see it even in real life being that terrible given the circumstance? As someone married for 6 years and who has been around so many verbally and physically abusive relationships...like if you try to isolate the behaviors and framing them in that way then yeah, that's not okay, but situations aren't black and white like that
i already forgot, test for what ?
I think for a pregnancy test
did they reach that point already ?
im going to have to reread