The_Potato created a topic of Solo For Two

I don't want no sadness cause I got this feeling man

The_Potato created a topic of Waterside Night

Fuck all these fuckers lemme have at em, especially our pookie's blood-sharer

The_Potato created a topic of Cozy Obsession
The_Potato created a topic of Call Me Master (Kooyi)


The_Potato created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Close enough welcome back Nanami

The_Potato created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Liking this cause it's relatable

The_Potato created a topic of 19 Days

Happy pride month to these freaks especially

The_Potato created a topic of Chase me, Watchdog

I am the biggest hater I hate the way that you talk I hate the way that you walk I hate the way you dress I hate the way you sneak diss

The_Potato created a topic of Cozy Obsession

Rizz game so far is successful

I forget he's talking srsly as his knees are at the height of his shoulders

Was reading this in class and had to hold back tears during his dungeon story 10/10

First was her looking like the mom, it's explained now so I get it but I hate what the author was tryna imply/the undertones, then the weird SA, and her not sticking with her fiance?? There's good points-art style, cuteness, how funny scenes are, character design, but the frustration isn't helping me either

The_Potato created a topic of Swordmaster