gooshums1 December 10, 2024 12:11 am

I don’t think Vinny put it in the bottle. I think either he took it, his mom dumped it/filled it with water since it was clear or he dumped it. But that’s just me being hopeful.

    CrazyBLbish December 10, 2024 4:46 am

    I really hope your right plz be right (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    CrazyBLbish December 10, 2024 4:47 am

    I really hope your right plz be right (╯°Д °)╯╧╧, but I don’t think he’ll take it cuz he said he wants to be acknowledged. He won’t want to disappoint his mom

gooshums1 June 24, 2021 12:11 am

I fully understand. Everyone hates Yahwi. Sure. He is an asshole. Pardon me for being sympathetic to his character a little because it has been obvious since the flashback of them as kids that he prob was raised without love/friends/expressing emotions. Is that an excuse? No. But, I just want him to tell Jooin about how they met when they were kids, how that time left a big impact on him. Apologize for what he has done (yeah yeah. I get it, it’s not good enough for a lot of you) and that he is sorry it took him too long to realize how to tell him all of this. Then just leave him alone. That way Jooin can deal with his dog from a past life who weirdly got off on forcing medicine into jooins mouth via make out session (seriously. The whole dog/master, previous life, random storyline thing must only be throwing me off. But sure). Just yahwi needs to get that whole thing I said above out and leave everything to Jooin.

Simply my opinion. You can discuss but I’m not here for being yelled at over my non problematic opinion lol

gooshums1 February 2, 2021 8:28 pm

It probably is just me but something about this chapter just seemed off. Sure it could be awkwardness from being apart but I don’t know.

    BeeTee February 2, 2021 8:43 pm

    well haesoo says in the next (or next next?) chapter that he feels a little awkward because it's been so long since they were together like this. also theyre very new at openly voicing their affections to each other so there's that too

    personally i dont think it was that awkward though, they were bantering like old times which was nice

    wonuyaaa February 2, 2021 9:00 pm

    well i dont think so at all (just stating my opinion)

    for example: joowon saying he thought he was gonna die -not literally obviously- during the 3 years haesoo was gone and then quickly changing the subject because he gets awkward and flustered. showing eo open and genuine affection is new to them. so i think the author depicted that feeling well and this chapter seems all genuine and sweet~

    Tortugas February 2, 2021 9:46 pm

    They’re a little shy because they’re finding their new equilibrium. This is the start of their new relationship, after all- they love each other so much and they don’t want to make any more mistakes. I think it’s really sweet and makes sense. There’s an innocence about it that’s just so perfect.

    gooshums1 February 3, 2021 2:50 pm

    All valid points.

gooshums1 January 28, 2021 1:25 am

The upcoming back story of yahwi will make things make more sense. Not saying it will change people’s opinions but it’s something.

gooshums1 January 23, 2021 5:40 pm

I keep getting this feeling bai jinyi is going to lose a match and get injured but then I also think this is too pure for that lol.

gooshums1 January 5, 2021 6:29 pm

Haesoo is the worst in this. Not because of his final decision but he should have turned Taku down to begin with. Sure he said he would try for a month but he never should have. Even Joowon deserves better after his character growth. I just hate that Taku was used for that growth even though it’s the typical obvious direction.

    Mimi January 5, 2021 6:35 pm

    I agree with you that Haesoo did use Taku to an extent, but also remember that Taku also knew that Haesoo had feelings for Joowon from the beginning and Taku also said he did not mind being used by Haesoo. So I do not really blame Haesoo fully because honestly Taku knew what the outcome would be. What is horrible is that Taku heart just got broken in the end for having false hope for a broken person and being swept up in the moment. Yes, this does not justify Haesoo actions but Taku should have known better, in my opinion.

    Mimi January 5, 2021 6:38 pm
    I agree with you that Haesoo did use Taku to an extent, but also remember that Taku also knew that Haesoo had feelings for Joowon from the beginning and Taku also said he did not mind being used by Haesoo. So I... Mimi

    And Haesoo did turn down Taku but Taku told Haesoo to take a chance and love him, which you cannot blame Haesoo for that because Haesoo wanted to know what it would feel like to love another person. Even though I wished that Haesoo would have said no because that gave Taku false hope.

    gooshums1 January 5, 2021 6:55 pm
    And Haesoo did turn down Taku but Taku told Haesoo to take a chance and love him, which you cannot blame Haesoo for that because Haesoo wanted to know what it would feel like to love another person. Even though... Mimi

    Oh I definitely agree with both comments. I just really feel like haesoo should have stood his ground and given himself sometime even though Taku was basically begging. Imo the fact he was begging would be what would def make me still say no because it was obvious Taku was desperate to have a chance and haesoo knew that but still went and lead him on basically. Not saying he knew he would go back to Joowon but he did know he was a mess and I wish he hadn’t given Taku a chance.

    Mimi January 6, 2021 12:52 am
    Oh I definitely agree with both comments. I just really feel like haesoo should have stood his ground and given himself sometime even though Taku was basically begging. Imo the fact he was begging would be what... gooshums1

    Exactly that was the point I was making.
    If I was Haesoo I still would have said no. But yk unfortunately not in this case

    Issa Me Mario January 6, 2021 1:24 am

    I've actually been in a similar situation as theirs, and I know I might entirely be projecting here... But I once knew a guy who simply wouldn't take a no for an answer. He kept asking me out, and I kept telling him as nicely as possible that I wasn't interested. He wanted to know why, and I tried to explain I wasn't ready and that I was certain I'd never end up falling for him. And he proceeded to basically guilt trip me by saying stuff like "well how can you know if you don't give it a shot?", "just one date" etc. Like he literally made me feel bad for not being interested or giving him a chance, like I was stuck up or thought myself better than him. Which is not at all how I viewed myself, I just knew my own feelings.
    Similarly, I always interpreted Haesoo agreeing to date Taku as the result of Taku pressuring him and making him feel guilty for not loving him back. Hence why I personally never liked Taku lol

    Mimi January 6, 2021 4:27 pm

    Actually I’m sorry that happen to you :( There should never be a person who should be guilt tripped into a relationship and that is why the relationship was doomed from the beginning? Idk. But I feel like if you are certain of you and your feelings, you should stand your ground and be stern and clear in what you want and what you do not want. If they cannot respect that, then tell them you will never talk to them again and you should confront them about guilt tripping you. Even though Taku kept persuading Haesoo, I still felt like Haesoo could have done more to speak up for himself. But anyways I do not hate either of them bc they have their own reasons, but they should take responsibility for what they already knew the outcome.

gooshums1 December 22, 2020 2:21 pm

I’m truly not clinging onto team taku (even though I would prefer that outcome) but haesoo and Joowon were only shown about to kiss. Haesoo being the emotionally confused mess he always is, may pull away at the last second (prob unlikely, but I do think emotions over the accident are playing a big part atm. I do think he has feelings for Taku too and hopefully will finally act like a rational adult and take time to fully think about what he wants/what is in his best personal interest. I always viewed him/Joowon as somewhat toxic (yeah yeah, Joowon has had charac growth) and I can’t forget how he was physically abusive that time. Imo that’s not something that Haesoo should just forgive. I truly think right now he is acting in the moment because Joowon was in an accident but still overall is unsure of what he wants (which is annoying). Taku deserves better tbh but I also feel like this story would really not have progressed anywhere if haesoo just ends up with Joowon. Like what was the point of this whole story if the author simply has them as end game? If it is that simple and that is the outcome, I just feel what was the point of the whole story other than one persons personal growth which was not even that impressive if you ask me. I dunno. Just my take on it.

    gardenfairy December 22, 2020 7:20 pm

    Physically abusive when exactly ? (sorry genuine question)

    Bruh Taku and Haesoo had so much dubcon.
    Their relationship was so sketchy

gooshums1 September 15, 2020 5:07 pm

Isn’t Cain just a low key stalker that seems super sweet? Sometimes those are the worst. I don’t hate him but he keeps inserting himself into things and doesn’t seem like it’s really wanted. I don’t know. Yeah, yahwi has his issues which I do believe go deep but why people love Cain so much I truly don’t understand.

    nickname September 15, 2020 5:11 pm

    I think u did something I never thought if that

    Ampk.95 September 15, 2020 5:12 pm

    I've also thought Cain is sus bc he knows who Jooin is and there's no explanation for it, but until Yahwi gets his personality/actions in order I'll just stick with Cain.

    Blub Blub September 15, 2020 5:12 pm

    Maybe, but he seems better then yahwi our hopes will always be up there.

    Blub Blub September 15, 2020 5:14 pm

    But I’m pretty sure they’re childhood friends, I remember that small snippet of the car crash.

    Ishid September 15, 2020 5:15 pm

    because he’s fucking adorable and soo much better than yahwi.

    Ishid September 15, 2020 5:16 pm
    because he’s fucking adorable and soo much better than yahwi. Ishid

    if he really is twisted, then jooin will be much more better alone. fuck those character developments their reasons aren’t enough to justify what they did

    fr00ty_♡ September 15, 2020 5:17 pm
    if he really is twisted, then jooin will be much more better alone. fuck those character developments their reasons aren’t enough to justify what they did Ishid


    Blub Blub September 15, 2020 5:20 pm
    if he really is twisted, then jooin will be much more better alone. fuck those character developments their reasons aren’t enough to justify what they did Ishid

    Forreal I’ll climb into the comic and treat him like the king he deserves to be

    gooshums1 September 16, 2020 2:51 pm
    if he really is twisted, then jooin will be much more better alone. fuck those character developments their reasons aren’t enough to justify what they did Ishid

    I has forgotten about the car crash thing. That would be sweet. But also him just showing up calling him his master? It’s a little weird to me. And yes. Team Yooin too. Boy doesn’t need to feel like shit or low key stalked lol.

    Ishid September 16, 2020 5:08 pm
    I has forgotten about the car crash thing. That would be sweet. But also him just showing up calling him his master? It’s a little weird to me. And yes. Team Yooin too. Boy doesn’t need to feel like shit... gooshums1

    dude, saw the raws and saw cain’s dark face. i sense something

    Ishid September 16, 2020 5:08 pm
    I has forgotten about the car crash thing. That would be sweet. But also him just showing up calling him his master? It’s a little weird to me. And yes. Team Yooin too. Boy doesn’t need to feel like shit... gooshums1

    but yahwi needs to be yeeted out already

    gooshums1 September 18, 2020 2:54 am
    dude, saw the raws and saw cain’s dark face. i sense something Ishid

    Oh man! I knew it!

    gooshums1 September 18, 2020 2:56 am
    I've also thought Cain is sus bc he knows who Jooin is and there's no explanation for it, but until Yahwi gets his personality/actions in order I'll just stick with Cain. Ampk.95

    Understandable. I think Yahwi has his reasons to be acting coldly but baby boy doesn’t deserve it. I sense him making a turn around eventually but if not hopefully jooin isn’t being stalked excessively and is happy.

    Ishid September 18, 2020 4:05 pm
    Understandable. I think Yahwi has his reasons to be acting coldly but baby boy doesn’t deserve it. I sense him making a turn around eventually but if not hopefully jooin isn’t being stalked excessively a... gooshums1

    nah, still nit going to forgive yahwi. he forced and had sex with jooin when he was drunk. HAHAHHA

gooshums1 September 1, 2020 10:56 pm

Hate yahwi or not, I don’t know why anyone of you are diehard Cain fans. We barely know him and if anything he is obnoxious and borderline stalkerish.

gooshums1 July 22, 2020 5:57 pm

Nah. You don’t get to be that mad Hajin. I’m sorry but at this point both need to grow up lol

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