Misa_03 May 16, 2021 11:56 am

He is trash for sure and Trashta too.
He is the one whi make mistakes and now pay for your own stupidness. But im a little pitying him, on later chapters, bc if it was not for cookies both of them would have been happy, and Trashta would be suffering without meeting the emperor. But i m really happy for Navier and Heinley. And still happy abt divorce

Misa_03 May 13, 2021 11:49 am

Well, i understand why you dislike the first prince, bc he is pushy. But for me, it is also understandable that he wants to pursue her. I understand any other men in story that wants to pursue her. They are willing even to change their approach and aims to kust be in favor. But, tho i dont hate the first prince, it is truth he is too pushy

    Bleurgh May 13, 2021 12:32 pm

    And manipulative seeing as how he has threatened her on more than one occasion

    Bleurgh May 13, 2021 12:32 pm
    And manipulative seeing as how he has threatened her on more than one occasion Bleurgh

    To get what he wants

    Misa_03 May 13, 2021 4:20 pm
    To get what he wants Bleurgh

    The first thing. She was the one who broke rules and it is only right thing would be to report on her. Besides, it is like a deal where she is not reported, but do favor. He send dress, she sold, she went to casino, he reported, tho he should be reported too, but idk why she did not. He is pushy, but on those occassions it was like a deal

    Bleurgh May 13, 2021 4:58 pm
    The first thing. She was the one who broke rules and it is only right thing would be to report on her. Besides, it is like a deal where she is not reported, but do favor. He send dress, she sold, she went to ca... Misa_03

    I get the casino thing but the dress, and club activities weren't something someone who is a concerned teacher would bring up, he didn't do that with that intention, he did it to get what he wanted, threatening her to tell people, he could have easily explained the situation about the club activities but he decided to be devious but I can excuse it since he is a teacher but still that was not his purpose in bringing it up, but the dress that is extremely personal, he only brought it up to get what he wanted potentially putting her in trouble because she didn't want to dance with, when in fact it wasn't his place to do so despite her unwillingness, that was a threat and manipulation

    Bleurgh May 13, 2021 5:02 pm
    I get the casino thing but the dress, and club activities weren't something someone who is a concerned teacher would bring up, he didn't do that with that intention, he did it to get what he wanted, threatenin... Bleurgh

    Also he is a perfect example of a manipulative person, manipulative people hide their intentions, justifying their behavior and making you feel that they are right, him being a teacher he is abusing that authority, and manipulating her into what he wants by hiding behind the fact that he is a teacher, they seem so right until you realize there true intentions

    Kaide May 13, 2021 5:04 pm
    Also he is a perfect example of a manipulative person, manipulative people hide their intentions, justifying their behavior and making you feel that they are right, him being a teacher he is abusing that author... Bleurgh

    Misa_03 May 14, 2021 11:25 am
    Also he is a perfect example of a manipulative person, manipulative people hide their intentions, justifying their behavior and making you feel that they are right, him being a teacher he is abusing that author... Bleurgh

    Ummm, but she was the one to sell the dress...no? And if she did not wanted to dress she could have just leave it, but not sell. Less trouble for herself. It is the rule to accept and not recell gifts from empire family. And abt club activities. She would not either way know abt it, and he happens to know that. Yeah , he is pushy, hut can not say that he is manipulative. She still has a choice to just change classes. Not like he is threatening her to attend only his class, he said he reqruited to his class bc it has a free place. I understand psychological manipulation or manipulatoon through things that he should not impose his nose, but dress, and casino was his deal. Now you are just blaming everyone for being manipulative, whereas here. It is obvious that it is like a deal. She still can go to director.

    Bleurgh May 14, 2021 1:28 pm
    Ummm, but she was the one to sell the dress...no? And if she did not wanted to dress she could have just leave it, but not sell. Less trouble for herself. It is the rule to accept and not recell gifts from empi... Misa_03

    Uhm no, again his intentions about these were to get his way plain and simple, a deal is something of a negotiation both parties have equal outcome to, everyone benefits equally, he got what he wanted at the dispense of her unwillingness, he is manipulating the circumstances to get his way whether she was wrong or not he is using her "wrongness" to his benefit to get her to do what he wants.

    Misa_03 May 14, 2021 1:48 pm
    Uhm no, again his intentions about these were to get his way plain and simple, a deal is something of a negotiation both parties have equal outcome to, everyone benefits equally, he got what he wanted at the di... Bleurgh

    Manipulation is when one has no control over the situstion and just submits. But she had a control. She could have just not sell the dress. Easy. She should not have just went to casino without a mask at least. Easy. And yes, she is getting benifit for not being exposed. And yeah he know her unwillingness, but she also know the rules. Those things are so easy to understand. He is using the situation that comes up, but she had always a way to solve. Again, she could just go to the director and say i want to attend another club. Thats all. All those "manipulation" as you say, could have been avoided if she just followed the rules. Tht is not even a true manipulation. He is pushy, but to call it manipulation...

    Bleurgh May 14, 2021 9:12 pm
    Manipulation is when one has no control over the situstion and just submits. But she had a control. She could have just not sell the dress. Easy. She should not have just went to casino without a mask at least.... Misa_03

    If she had another option the author didn't right it, but her thoughts to concede despite not wanting to is proof of the manipulation that dress he shouldn't have sent he also shouldn't have been gambling as a teacher, it's not about what she shouldn't have done it's about how he is using it to get what he wants, if he weren't being manipulative he would have never used her wrongdoings against her, a deal isn't something a person who has the upper hand gets the most out of, he got what he wanted but she can only get what he had proposed to her which was trouble or not trouble, which again he had a hand in, he didn't manipulate her but he manipulated his and her circumstances and situations to get what he wanted, also if it was a deal he would have presented more options but ultimately it was an ultimatum, do what I want and you won't get in trouble, that's not a deal

    Misa_03 May 14, 2021 9:49 pm
    If she had another option the author didn't right it, but her thoughts to concede despite not wanting to is proof of the manipulation that dress he shouldn't have sent he also shouldn't have been gambling as a ... Bleurgh

    She could have reported the teacher too then. And he has an upper hand bc she break the rules. And he makes use of the situation. He is backing her off the troubles, so it is also useful for her. And he is royal who just wished to gift a present, it is not manipulation. How do you know that he exactly knew she would sell the dress??? It was her mistake to sell it. Again in every situation she had an option and she did what she did, she did mistakes that eventually opened opportunities for him. And you are saying that it is ok to not report a person who break the rules and offend a royal through reselling the gift. Now i dont see much manipulation, that us why i am on neutral side, but not on negative side.

    Bleurgh May 14, 2021 10:36 pm

    But if the premise was to do the right thing and just report her then, giving the ultimatum should have not been included, he clearly doesn't care until it could benefit him, he isn't doing this to help her cuz if he did he wouldn't have even brought it up, his intentions are the problem and because of his hidden intentions and his goal for his hidden intentions is where the manipulation comes from he intended to get something out of her by using common sense, which a manipulator does to give the impression they are in the right,

    Misa_03 May 14, 2021 11:25 pm
    But if the premise was to do the right thing and just report her then, giving the ultimatum should have not been included, he clearly doesn't care until it could benefit him, he isn't doing this to help her cuz... Bleurgh

    And? Doing smth and using opportunities for own benifit is wrong? Every person do that?, and not like she has no other choice. She has, she has brains, she knows rules, but do not take precautions. And bc of that he is using opportunities she made. Also, manipulators do not give an impression that they are on the right side. It is just some ppl are too sensitive and think that even a little selfish thing is bad. Again, she has choices to made, she knew the rules she broke them. Why are you defending her? Besides, as if she had any idea to what other club to enrol into, and she can just change it if she does not like it. And we should be on contrary be thankful that the royal is not furious for being offended through reselling his gift. And she had a choice to report the teacher back. He did not even tried to back her off out of those things. She is just lazy to go to principal and solve problems. As for now, he is not doing anything evil nor manipulative as you say, he is being neutral, not like any other boys you would see in mangas, that gives everything, forgive everyone and being so good to the girls. Those boys are just too kind, but bc you see those a lot, you know perceive neutral man as manipulative. I bet you did not see the real manipulative person. I have encountered some, and ditched them off.

    Bleurgh May 22, 2021 2:21 am

    Uh yes using people for your own benefit is wrong using anyone is wrong especially if it's on purpose, and I ain't defending her, she did some dumb stuff but two wrongs don't make a right, it's like when a person steals something and another person saw it and black mailed them ,yeah stealing is wrong but so is blackmail, there are people out there are very manipulative I agree, but just because he ain't some heinous manipulator doesn't mean he isn't one at all, neutral means minding your own business, he purposely involves himself in her business, that ain't neutral, being a good teacher would mean reporting her without hidden motives like some creep, being a manipulative douchebag is using what she has done against her what she does about it is up to her, but his intention was to use what she has done for himself plain and simple, he implied if you don't dance with me you will go to prison for selling a dress, that is text book manipulation using an act someone has done to get what you want without their willingness, there is nothing to argue that's exactly what he did, he is trying to get her to do something she doesn't want for selfish reasons, if a person says that to you or something similar I feel you would be pretty offended and weirded out,

    Bleurgh May 22, 2021 2:26 am
    Uh yes using people for your own benefit is wrong using anyone is wrong especially if it's on purpose, and I ain't defending her, she did some dumb stuff but two wrongs don't make a right, it's like when a pers... Bleurgh

    Blackmail is what he is using which is a form of manipulation, the literal definition is an example what the guy said about the dress, it's not opinion it's fact, I am confused as to what you are debating cuz that whole scene and the club scene are perfect examples even the definition describes the examples, you can't debate a fact

    Misa_03 May 22, 2021 5:08 pm
    Blackmail is what he is using which is a form of manipulation, the literal definition is an example what the guy said about the dress, it's not opinion it's fact, I am confused as to what you are debating cuz t... Bleurgh

    In every case she has a choice and she has a brain. Especailly if she had lived already several lives. If she did smth wrong, and if he is using it, does not that mean that they are in equal positions? And literally everyone is using another person for its own benefit. That is how life is. In every movie, cartoon, book, there is always that type of "manipualtion" is involved. Between families, friends, lovers and etc. Even words like "i have little children", "i have a poor life", "i saw your cheating" is manipulation. What the first prince doing even can not be considered bad. He is threatening for her own stubbornness and stupidness (even tho she had lived for so ling, and know the rules of the country like nobody else). And the only threatening is to have ONE dance, for her BREAKING THE LAW. and with club; again, as i said she can go to the professor. Literally, not much of a manipulation like you are presenting. You are making this small thing, seem like a HUUUUGE problem that destroys FL's mind, mental health and physical health too and even her will. Like...no...he is not doing that much of a manipulation.

    Bleurgh May 22, 2021 8:20 pm

    All I am saying is he is doing something he shouldn't do which is also a form of manipulation whether he is on some scale of being some type of manipulative douchebag he is probably low on the list but it doesn't change the fact of his actions, doesn't matter what she did it's about his approach to her own actions that are none of his business, I understand that you don't think he is some massive scemer, I think I so as well, but the fact that he is using black mailing tactics does not change it's there, it fits the exact description, her actions were used against her for his own merit whether it's some stupid merit it's still a merit it is still black mail, what she does about it is up to her, blackmail isn't about two people most of the time it's about a person trying to black mail someone whether it works or not. What he said is manipulation there isn't any other way around it, cuz it's textbook basic manipulation tactics, I don't think I am wrong seeing as I looked up the definition and examples for this combo in case I was mis informed or warping the definition, but I didn't.

    Misa_03 May 22, 2021 10:10 pm
    All I am saying is he is doing something he shouldn't do which is also a form of manipulation whether he is on some scale of being some type of manipulative douchebag he is probably low on the list but it doesn... Bleurgh

    Hmmm. Okay? I just did not agreed with those comments hating on him

Misa_03 May 13, 2021 11:34 am

Well, i understand him. He could not take care of her. Bc her father planted spies to kill her, bc he had not any power. there is half brother aiking for him, that snake btch came and take all favor, the wife is in depression(i know it is not her fault, but it also on of the reasons of his weakness). He is jot entirely at fault bc he loved her, but is the father who is sht who only bc the daughter came alive, cursed her for the death of his wife for her entire life. I want really for the father to suffer in the most terrible way. But the little thing he is at fault is his choice of words. He spoke in a way that could be easily misunderstood. But it is mistake from both of the sides, both wife and husband. Idk, why you are only attacking the duke. He had the same emotional and physical issues, as her. You are saying like the duke had a control over the situation. But did the FL. She had a voice to be heard as she is the duchess. Yeah, i understand she is in depression and not at fault, but so is the duke. He tried to pull that snake away, but she already bewitched the kind of the kid. And even kid is still believeing that the real mother is not at fault for killinh birth mother, when she is. Duke was in the same position as the wife, why are you only blaming him?

Misa_03 May 13, 2021 11:06 am

Everyone in this family have the same taste in men, really. I bet that not only mother is going out with father, and son with another son, but also that dongjin will go out in the future with sun woo(brother of....what is the name of soo jeon, or what is the name of the ML hottie)

    Ayumi13 May 13, 2021 11:16 am

    Bro I want that couple to happen so bad but I don’t think it’s gonna. After this couple, there’s another couple that’s unrelated to this family

    Misa_03 May 13, 2021 11:35 am
    Bro I want that couple to happen so bad but I don’t think it’s gonna. After this couple, there’s another couple that’s unrelated to this family Ayumi13

    Well, im not either for or against that couple. Just the feeling. Like, they are all attracted to the same family

Misa_03 May 9, 2021 11:27 am

I really love this manga...Dylan and kother are sooo cuuute

Misa_03 May 9, 2021 8:17 am

Slap this guy. Smne pls slap him. He is tricking, he is looking into other ppl conversation, he is so dumb to even realise that that person loves another, he is so ughhh cringy. He was cute in the beggining. But now it is only hurting, i feel bad for him, bjt bc he is sooo stupid that he is gonna get burn, that is why i wanna slap him

Misa_03 May 9, 2021 7:45 am

OMG! PLS! PLS! SOMEONE JUST SLAP THE FL! she is soooo annoying and irritating with this running. I mean, i like the ways she escapes and i really like how she truthfully put force into it, but she is sooo obsessed with plot and without knowing exact future or even explaining to poor duke she keeps running. Really, if i were there i would have given her slap and told her "calm down, you chick". I love her character, i understand her a little, but this running....bruh, no

    alexa-san May 9, 2021 11:29 am

    she's irritating to me. i was so pissed. I wanted to beat the shit out of her and tell her to stay still and use her head. How can she not understand that she changed the flow of the story? Do you think everything will stay the same ??
    I understand that she doesn't want to damage the plot and change the original story. But after a few years, the duke still chased after her and SHE STILL DOESN'T GET IT!! so frustrating. she's so slow.

    alexa-san May 9, 2021 11:29 am
    she's irritating to me. i was so pissed. I wanted to beat the shit out of her and tell her to stay still and use her head. How can she not understand that she changed the flow of the story? Do you think everyth... alexa-san

    thats just my opinion though-

    Misa_03 May 9, 2021 11:43 am
    thats just my opinion though- alexa-san

    Yeah. Have the same thoughts. I like her, but not her running and a liiiiil logic of her thinking that she is going to change the plot when she already had

    iCARLEE-HEE May 9, 2021 1:26 pm

    ikrrrr like she changed the plot the moment she got involved with the ml why she takin it bac. and why she denser than a blackhole like miz gurl- do you not see or sense it at all?

    Misa_03 May 9, 2021 1:46 pm
    ikrrrr like she changed the plot the moment she got involved with the ml why she takin it bac. and why she denser than a blackhole like miz gurl- do you not see or sense it at all? iCARLEE-HEE


Misa_03 May 2, 2021 11:44 pm

I like this manga, but in some places the characters are acting out of logic or fast. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Misa_03 May 1, 2021 11:41 am


Misa_03 April 30, 2021 4:49 pm

I get she is jealous, but the way she expresses it and literally going to be a villian from so much obsession is dusgustjng me. As well it disgust me how other girl just wandering around and being like "i am other breed". Like...how can a commoner...behave so boldly? Is she bot afraid that she would be ridiculed? Okay, but really this is better than being a tiny petty girl. Still, FL way of act of jealousy and obsession is unhealthy and disgusting. Why ml did not do anything? He is still ignoring the fact the she might became a villain bc of him. He should be now trying to teach her that this behavior of her and obsession is not a right thing. But he choose to ignore it.

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