so i got impatient and annoyed so i used up some of my leftover coins to buy the last episode raw of this story and... SPOILERS
the open ending pisses me off. with what i can tell from shitty google translate, it seems that taesoo disappeared and mc was looking for him? he's still in a relationship with sebin. i honestly can't tell if mc loves sebin or not. why can't he just focus on his boyfriend? that or break up with him argh. at the very end the last chapter, i think mc finally finds taesoo. it just ends with taesoo noticing someone calling him and turning around ugh.
edit: uploaded full chapter https://imgur.com/a/3gXrdzi

this story's licensed now so unless a kind soul donates the last two chapters by using a godawful $6.99 subscription (yeah you can't pay per chapter, you have to pay for the whole library to access them and this series will be out on 2020), we won't be see any continuation from hero scans... which sucks because they were thinking of releasing the last two chapters hours ago but was stopped because they were emailed.
they've been at it for over 20 years?? bro how dense can u get
It sounds like they fooled around in their 20s, then stopped when getting in relationships, and started again now.