Most ppl: hating on fl
Me: hating on ml (he’s still hot tho)
Ik it’s important for plot development and the romance but I low-key (nvm high key) hate it when the ml chased after fl as an immediate response after being made of the letter that clearly showcases that she doesn’t want to stay, he’s basically trying to drag her back against her will she probably has her own reasons. It’s probably not as aggressive as I’m making it out to be but seriously ik she promised to stay and all but those were platitudes given to a child does he have to cling to them. Also ik he just wants answers but if she wanted to give them she would have said it in the letter, it’s not like he has a right to ask anything if her especially when their kindness towards him almost got them killed. . I understand that he probs think they’re going to be in danger cuz of their relation to him but still I want to be vindictive.
Plz excuse the rant.
P.S. I’m probably projecting one to many other mangas onto this one but still ...~ if you love them let them go~ (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

No because I absolutely agree, everyone is annoyed with the fl for not accepting his feelings, but she was literally getting kidnapped so I don’t blame her for anything. Female leads in isekai may obsess over the original plot, but how about we talk about how the ml obsesses over a human being? Like idk how people defend him. He was cute when he was younger, but now he went to far.

Did you see the glee in his face when she said she’ll stop bothering him about being a celeb and how his face dropped when he realised she’s not leaving him alone. My poor son, this bitch needs to f*ck off. She seriously has no rights to know what he’s doing all the time and to be demanding things of him. She’s not even his gf and still tries to act up like one, hell not even a gf would be this overbearing. Even if they become friends, it will be an unhealthy relationship cuz of how stalkerish she acts, he is his own person, what he gets up to, in his own time is his business and it’s his choice to confide in you about it, if he so wants. I really hope she isn’t his future gf. I don’t want there to be any romance in this story, He’s only just learning to place his faith in other ppl. Romance just wouldn’t suit the plot or his character development rn.

And he told her numerous occasions he does not want to be associated with her but she completely ignored his wishes and put her own wish in front of his, which is toxic and she sucks.
The part when he told her he would rather work in orphanage then as an actor and she is like "wtf you talking about? Why would you say that??" Made me so mad!
She's being stereotypical "bitchy" and clingy, and then you add toxic and stalking tendencies just cause he's hot (that's legit only reason she's around him) and I feel so sorry for MC.
When I saw that extra picture about author congratulating us holidays with two of them in the pic I just knew she is FL and i hate it.

Some of this may not make any sense cuz I went from watching the anime to reading the last few chapters and skipping a chunk of it but I had to know cuz EREN IS NOW AN ADVOCATE OF FREAKING GENOCIDE!!! WTF!!!!!!
That moment when Eren becomes Hitler. I understand that trauma lead him to where he is now; he has always wanted to ERADICATE the titans and now he’s transferred that feeling of hatred towards anyone outside of the island because of the potential threat they pose. But since when has genocide ever fixed ANYTHING. It’s absolute bull!!! He’s always been a bloodthirsty little shit, what with him killing Mikasa’s parent’s killers (even though it was justified to some extent), that in itself shows how his first response to any level of threat was to murder. He claims to want freedom and then proceeds to impose on the human rights of others because he views them as threats.I understand he fears the retaliation of the others if they were to just let them be but he completely disregards the humanitarian principle of proportionality that prohibits excessive attacks that lead to major loss of CIVILIAN lives. In the first place, it was the original titans idea of ruling over others that led to their people being ostracised and now he chooses to follow in the same footsteps. Yh, I get it at this point he doesn’t seem to give a f*ck but it so annoying to see him preach on and on about humanity and their rights and then take a complete 180. The moment they realised how to pass on the titans powers they should’ve had Eren pass it on, he was passionate but he was also irrational and was easily emotionally compromised. It would’ve been a better use of his abilities to give them to someone who wasn’t riddled with ptsd but was still loyal. Someone with an ideology that calls for justice and doesn’t fight solely for the sake of avenging the the lack of freedom and loss of their family but is willing to fight to gain freedom not to kill others without restraint because they feared that everyone would turn on the island. Had he not taken the same approach as the first Titan perhaps their was a possibility of resolving the conflict with a lower degree of violence, that is to say I do understand that violence was necessary in times of war but Eren is being too excessive.
That is to say I’m still loving the plot, props to Isayama.

I mean I get what you are trying to say but you are wrong in some things. I don't think Eren is doing this because of his trauma. He's doing this FOR his people. Picture this you're a small village and the cities around hate you and want to exterminate you. At first, you try to fix things peacefully but no matter what you do they still hate you. Would you just sit down and be like "Guess we are all dying now. What a pity" No. You would defend your village because it's your home. Your family and friends live there. Of course what eren what's to do is a mass genocide, but he is doing it because he wants to. He was out of options to defend his people. Even if it meant he would be resented by his friends and family.
He just used a stolen blood sample of a Princess of another country to grow a monster kid .. is that even legal????( ̄∇ ̄")
The kid called her mum and she looks identical to her too, the press would have a field day lol
Tbh like… this still ain’t addressed at 95. I give up