oh. it's a typo .. I meant to type chapter 63** maeyah
Lol, anyways to answer your question the only thing that changed is the father. They started cutting corners and removing the details on his hair and face, not sure if that's intentional or if the artist just doesn't care to give him details but who knows. Personally I'm offended
yawa kapuyag basa bugo kayng bae .. maypag naghikog nlng ka para kauli kas inyu .. sacrifice2x paka pistiha ka mura mag mao ra imung choice sa imung kinabuhi bugok sa tanang bugok
did they change the artist? the drawings are kinda ugly in chapter 68..
Chapter 68? What do you mean?
Either they've seen leaks from another website or this person can see the future lol
oh. it's a typo .. I meant to type chapter 63**
Lol, anyways to answer your question the only thing that changed is the father. They started cutting corners and removing the details on his hair and face, not sure if that's intentional or if the artist just doesn't care to give him details but who knows. Personally I'm offended