in first chapter, then this sh*t m*rder case that is poor written like furniture will not be able to hold on the tape if whole human is hanging out on it and tape that is usually made out of iron or strong material and has really sharp edges will obviously leave marks on victims neck but there was no marks so it is not suic*de, but this is not worst part was what kind of animal can have sex in the same room where your lover was k*lled a week ago. This manhwa is pure trash sorry
Can anyone recommend me manhwas where two guys love one girl but they actually end up falling in love each other huhu
- this one isnt exactly 2 guys falling for one girl but it has the same concept ! also if you scroll down to authors other work you'll see the manhwa For Your Love i recommend reading that one first coz both of them are connected and i was a little confuse at some parts when i read form of sympathy Before reading for your love so heh!
-this one isnt Exactly 2 guys falling for a girl but the concept is there and trust me its So good like the story is so peak omg also i recommend reading For Your love (scroll down to other works) because their actually connected ! when i first read the manhwa i recommended i was confused at certain parts and i only realised For Your Love was actually part 1
The hell???