Leonard created a topic of Paper Flower

I get that things like this don't need to follow the novel to a T but come on they miss the important parts like the wanted poster for example, the wanted poster happen in the novel because the King found someone who looked like the Uke and the look alike wanted to take the uke place and things happened and the King found out and decided he was a wanted man. Like come on this was important scene to explain the wanted poster.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

Am still waiting for the day he founds the truth but I do hope when he does that the Uke makes his life hell and makes the seme work for his forgiveness instead of the whole, oh it's just a misunderstanding don't worry I will forgive you now. In like a single chapter or two.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

I can't wait for the seme to found out the truth and realize just how much he fucked up and how much he hurt the other before listening to the full story first.

Leonard created a topic of Healer

Am confused is Yaba really actually fat or does he think his fat and the person in the mirror is what he actually looks like??

Leonard created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Come on he had it good with the father in law like why go back to son who was disloyal

Leonard created a topic of Slammer Dogs

My toxic trait is hoping this turns into a threesome and stays a threesome becuz like please I need more polygamy BL in my life

Leonard created a topic of Eleceed

aww look at the family all coming together to see there som fight

Leonard created a topic of Eleceed

You got dad aka Kayden the mom aka Kartein and now you have the big brother aka Pluton. (≡^∇^≡)

Leonard created a topic of Eleceed

Aww, look at Father Kayden teacher his son to be like him such a wholesome relationship

Like the main head killed this guy but now his being nice and now am torn thinking someone else had to have whispered something into the Head of the houses ears which was the reason he killed the ML.

Leonard created a topic of Paper Flower


So the ML runaway from the CP after his evil step sis said that the things that happened to the general would not happened or how the CP life would be better without him. It made the ML sad and his evil step sis helped him escape the palace. He went to visit the general first. The ML blame himself and told the general that it is his fault that the general is in prison and that he is sorry for everything. The general at the time had already accepted his fate that he would die and he simply wish to see the ML one last time and was truly happy when he finally came but he felt like something was off with the ML. The ML then walked away and left the dagger behind which the general then took to escape and follow the ML.

The next chapter then follows on about how the ML was hiding in a chest, in a carriage that is currently on its way to the mountains where it was said to be really dangerous due to the many cliffs and dangerous people/animals hanging around.

Now then at this time the CP had decided to asked about the whereabouts of the ML as he doesn't see the ML kneeling in front of his palace chambers anymore, the servant then told the CP that the ML went to prison to meet the general. The CP thought that the ML had decided to killed the general and the CP asked his servant how long the ML had stayed there? The servant then told the CP that the ML was in there for about said 30 minutes and that he had had came out of the prison without the dagger. After the servant said that the CP was now getting kinds suspicious and he asked the servants to look for the ML and behold the servants came back and told the CP that the ML and the General where both missing. So after the CP found this out he naturally assumed that the CP and the general had eloped which if coursenangered the him so much to the point that he personally decided to go and look for the both of them.

Now ML finally reaches the mountains and there were bandits and the bandits suggested that they shoud have there way with the ML before killing him, but before that happens the general shows up and saves him. Though this time they were surrounded by enemies and they where running towards down the mountain. The ML feeling defeated and feeling like he was a burden told the general just leave him behind and save himself as he is not worthy. The general of course didn't listen to him and decided to tie the ML hands on to a horse and told the ML that he'll came after him once he is done, the ML was crying and begging the general not to do this but the general didn't listen and he slaps the horse causing it to ran away. The general was then left behind to fight off the bandits, then the crown prince shows up at the mountain and at that time he was so focused on the ML and was thinking to himself that if he ever finds the ML he was going to chop off the ML legs so he can't runaway anymore. Then when he finally arrived to where the general was last seen fighting the bandit and he saw all the corpses he got scared that amoung the corpses would be the ML but then he saw the general and asked the general about the where abouts of the ML. The general then tell the CP of what he done and beg the CP to look for ML.

Now in the next chapter the ML was found by a merchant that travels around everywhere for his will trading business and the ML decided to join him in the hopes that he can get as far away from the imperial palace and the CP as he can. Though the ML does miss the CP during this time he question himself a lot wondering if he had done the right thing and if the CP decided to comenlooking for him, so during all this thought process the CP back in the imperial palace had started to slowly stop eating and doesn't always sleep, He was crowned as the emperor but he himself couldn't focuse on the role that was given to him. Now during this time of pain the CP found someone that looks like ML and the CP decided to make this lookalike his drinking buddy companion, but the lookalike is ambitious and was hopping to take the place of the ML and when the CP found out he grew angry at the lookalike and decided to give him a dagger and told the lookalike to will cut his throat. The lookalike after hearing this will also runs way which now would cause major issues because will ML and his lookalike now have the same dagger. At this time the ML went back to where the Imperial palace was because he misses the CP and wants to see him again, but the palace guards thought he was the lookalike and they chase him towards a cliff and shoots an at him which then hits him. The CP then arrives after he hears what happened then they have their reunion.

The CP then starts to care of the ML and during all this he finally released just how much he loved the ML and wants him by his side and confess to the ML about his feelings and the ML accepts them and there now together like officially if you will.

Anyway that's how the novel goes.

Leonard like topic of Paper Flower

People say the CP is bad but they are mistaken the general is actually 10x worse then the CP and his very 2 face while he does care for the Uke it's a very twisted way of caring and more twisted then the CP. Before people come after me anymore, this is my opinion based of what I read in the novel and is not based on what is Happening in the web toon.

Leonard created a topic of Jinx

Okay, so from what I seeing now is that when his drunk his true feelings show but when his sober he would burry all of it as for why he got angry I mean it kinda make sense, think about his doing a side job and gets super tired and as twisted as the seme is he was probably worried about him but further more he was probably angry because he knows that Dan doesn't have a lot of money and he has hospital bills to pay etc so he was most likely thinking that all his money will go that and got mad that he got an expensive gift. Honestly I would be mad as will if someone I know was going through a tough time and they decided to buy me an expensive gift for my birthday, I honestly would rather they save that money and get me something they can afford it still will hold same meaning. So in this case I don't really see as a red flag nor do I see it as a green flag either his reaction kinda board lines morally grey.

Is it bad I kinda hope he fails so he join the sales team, like I honestly feel like the team leader of the sales team would take care of him and try him to the fullest

Leonard created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Wait hold up is this dude upset because he wasn't being use like a toy by the MC???

Okay after reading the raws can I just say... Why, am crying my heart out. Like it gets worse before it gets better.

Leonard created a topic of Paper Flower

No don't do this don't break my heart... You can't!!

Leonard created a topic of Infinite Mage

I bet the "so called leader" will blame Shirone and spin it so its his fault and not there own