can anyone tell me what this manga is in English I read it in Japanese but want to read the English version of it as will thanks.
更新2017-05-16 13:45:40
“少年矫正教育院是关押着各种各样穷凶极恶的罪犯的收容所。有天这里新收押进了一名罪犯成员,少年A。然而因为杀人罪被关进来的少年A他本人,却不记得自己杀过人…。”有点中二(题材吧…)到刚刚好程度的少年漫画(勉强算是?),啊,又萌又美味。网上搜了一波但没看到有汉化组做了这本,所以就自己动手丰衣足食顺便传教了_(:_」∠)_自汉化所以速度很慢……很慢……慢……原作已完结,欢迎感兴趣的亲购买原漫画。 ※※※ 请勿擅自转载搬运,请勿用作商业用途 ※※※
His older brother is so fucked up!! Dude has an unhealthy obsession with his younger brother and is willing to destroy everything his little brother holds dear just so he can emotionally chain his younger brother to him
So it's not a healthy obsession lmao
Mistype lol
Wait I’m kind of confused, isn’t it the other way around? I mean it was Helm who was clinging to his brother when they were younger right?
Yea but when they grew up it seems to change, it's pretty obvious the older brother wants to control mc's life while mc just want to get by without eyes watching him
Oh damn-
It was like that before but as Helm grew older he started to have his own thoughts and wanted to be independent and didn't care for gaining his brother approval anymore. His older brother after seeing that become twisted and now wants to do everything in his power to keep his younger brother on a tight leash