Denn created a topic of Bluelock

LESS GOOOO also hehe fucking hell yeah Hiori up top… Isagi making enemies everywhere and everyone seems to want to either kill him or fuck him OR BOTH

Jokes aside… srsly tho i can sympathise with Rin imagine the person u look up to just drops u like hot potato and treats u like shit… actually even worse treats him like he’s nothing THEN HAVE TO BE CONSTANTLY COMPARED TO HIM… like a person i cared about just said i should give up and like fuck off im nothing to them then have that rubbed on my face on the daily… i wouldnt even want to hear their name

And him coming first and mentioned as ‘…genius, itoshi sae’s brother’ fuck off mans literally only purpose rn is destroying sae and isagi feels bad for him

Denn created a topic of Jinx

KIM DAN KIM DAN KIM DAN my bby my sweet angel my everything ur so pretty

Who tf is jaekyung? He was here in this chapter? Wut? Crazy


Denn created a topic of Lookism

We just cant catch a break do we? I cant feel relieved each ch where there a good scene coz i know this sort of thing is gonna happen.

The big brother was such a nice person but nice ppl in Lookism always ends up like this. I feel so bad for him like put him out of this misery.

Also tom lee gtfo i liked u but really now ur just pissing me off I JUST WANNA SEE THEM GET OUT ALIVE PLS. Also goddamn it we were this close to getting jinyoung and i have a bad feeling about this… what if Goo changes his mind like that one Gun scene where he came to the rescue but then did a 180 coz theres been a change of plans

Everything isnt boding well and we’ll sit right here waiting for more

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

Mf better not fucking sleep YOULL GET WHAT U DESERVE FUCKER I SWEAR i hope kartein gets better and i hope Kayden recovers and like get a power up coz of it…. PLEASEEEE GOD i knew he’d be like that i mean cmon mf isnt going to be going with his words so obvious

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Yknow wannabe doctor dude… its kinda ur fault for letting that hammer break like that haist but ur fault is srsly underestimating Goo. He isnt part of the duo for nothing thats just dumb like u think Gun would let some nobody just hang out with him like that? Thats crazy. Goo is literally so scary coz he’s like Gun but just as he said, he doesnt hold back like Gun and isnt scared of breaking someone

Also dayum the hyung ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ lowkey really pretty sad how wannabe dr dude experimented on him so hard that he cant even think anymore like sorry dude thats not ur brother anymore… you killed him

Denn created a topic of Jinx

Y’all literally cannot do this to me… THAT WAS CRIMINALLY SHORT OR atleast felt like it… cliffhang needs a special spot in hell


Also i dunno if i wanna punch or thank whoever gave the shake… like bitch how dare u but also like ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

MOVE JAEKYUNG i wanna see my bby Dan

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

Recovery squad wya… lets bust Kartein outta there. But also i am curious… how DID he get that fucked up? So much that he needs kartein healing him… coz Kayden said something like even top 10 cant match Kartein’s recovery which kinda implies that they have at some extent really good recovery by themselves. Also- TOP 10. Like who tf did that and how also why?

GURRRRRLLLL I feel for Adi so much ╥﹏╥ poor bastard… shes so smart in everything else but goddamn has zero self awareness regarding her own romance. ADI HOLD STRONG ┗( T﹏T )┛

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Also HOW COME IM STILL NOT SEEING JAY? Plsssss i need to see him real bad

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Goo and Gun is just so fucking hilarious istg… and Gun isnt even there in the flesh how is that duo so legendary

Uhm vol2ch1 is… im speechless like the vol 1 was good but what a way to start the 2nd volume LETS START WITH GROOMING

I was just Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

7 months and counting… 5 more months for 1 year and normally seasonal gaps take about that much time sooooo if its still not back after 5 months then just dayum…

Denn created a topic of Jinx

Everything in this chapter is testing me so much… Im literally shaking reading this chapter Doc Dan doesnt deserve any of the shit Jaek-fuck-yung gives him. Talented or not.. doesnt make up for you being a shitty human being. And WHOEVER FUCKING GAVE THAT SHAKE TO DAN ik its for jaekyung BUT FUCK YOU FOR ENDANGERING DOC DAN YOU SONOVABITCH

Denn created a topic of Bluelock

Bluelock giving me more stress than watching fifa… games be lasting my whole life and im always at the edge of my seat ITS AMAZING

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

God these ppl just doesnt learn… also can they have more personality than being literally the most annoying sons of bitches being all smug and shit… then when defeated theyre all like ‘you dare?’ Then runs back to their master… its giving Draco’s WAIT TILL MY FATHER HEARS ABOUT THIS

Denn created a topic of Bluelock

I just fucking love the gap between their normal selves to them being on the zone… like they go from ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ hehe friends…. To get on my level you fucking peasant TRASH yall are TRASH

Denn followed a list
Denn created a topic of BlackSun

Honestly for shinobis… theyre really slow on the intel. Like ice hand having dealt with the case with the MC… that other hand who just lost communication. And Ghost hand having fought a demon and like no report whatsoever and theyre all so late to give back up. No wonder theyre all dying.

Denn created a topic of SMELL

Lmao Olaf/Lutz being both best wingman unknowingly and giving the best advice…

Im kinda confused tho, coz in i think ch 2 joseph refers to the dalmatian as Olaf and the (Rottweiler?) as Lutz… then in ch5 the (Rottweiler) is the one that got dump and the dialogue was “Whats up with Olaf?”

So is Olaf the Dalmatian or the Rottweiler lol

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Fuck bro? We solve one thing then get like 5 new problems bro. Also Eli? Dead? Offed off screen?