Denn created a topic of Eleceed

SO CUTE HAHAHAHAHAHHA eleceed never fails to make me laugh its curing me honestly. I wonder who and what jiwoo collects next.

Denn created a topic of Jinx

Also doc dan please take care of yourself and dont hurt yourself please your health comes first. As much as i hate jaekyung, i wouldn’t actually want him to fuck his shoulder up completely and his career ruined. Thats just not it athletes ride on their physical state (ALSO NO MORE SUGAR FOR OUR ANGEL DAN)

Denn created a topic of Lookism

WHY ARE ALL THE FIRST GEN HOTTIES DYINGG? coz cheonliang king has me on my knees

Denn created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan still looks glorious even with his tired face BUT BABY TAKE CARE OF URSELF… if jaekyung doesnt want to take care of himself fuck him (not like that oe maybe

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

Oh cmooonnn i was just appreciating the Kayden/Kartein domestic husbands scene with the hurt/comfort then we get another enemy GIVE EM A BREAKK

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Wow i just came back to heartbreak… that Goo and Gun breakup gutted me i cant even i can’t process

Denn add manga to list Precious Reads


  • Author: SEINA Anji
  • Genres: Drama / Slice of Life / Yaoi
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Denn created a topic of Jinx

Oml fam… just yknow can jaekyung just stfu for once its was all goods seeing Dan being glorious as always then it was aight seeing him interact with Dan… but he just had to open his trap and spew

Can he just sit still look pretty or smthing? Dan was just worried and also u literally hired him to do that so why u bitching?

Denn created a topic of BlackSun

Dayumm man fire hand ik u mean well but holy shit if only u know that ur kinda also talking smack about urself… thats ur mom too

Denn created a topic of Lookism

WAAAAAATTTTT omg srsly my heard cant take much BUT WEVE BEEN BLESSED a truce… JAY HONG COMING BACK BOIIII JAY HONG JAY HONG hes such a bbgurl srsly get u someone who gives love like he does. Daniel whats up cmon hit bb jay up like rn.

ALSO JOHAN its temporary i just hope he becomes better and Hostel too and Burn Knuckles helping so cute… a small nice ep before shit goes down to hell again

Denn created a topic of BlackSun

FAMILY REUNION AYEEEE cmon dude why wont someone just ask what his full name is and his mother’s name… coz she didnt change it

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

On god dudeeeee Kartein that sneaky bastard… also get ur ass here Kayden and help ur bbgurl and gtfo coz ur still not in ur of form it’s only temporary

Denn created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Kenjaku is so unserious

Denn created a topic of Eleceed

Omg that Kartein and Kayden interaction is feeding me… ultimate teamup real THEYRE SO MARRIED OMG. After they fuck this bitch up go home and kiss and be cat moms together

Denn created a topic of Lookism


Denn created a topic of Lookism

My blood pressure is so high… too high. Author be playing too much with all the did it or did it not and the twists upon twists upon twist WHEN ALL I WANT IS TO KNOW WHETHER JAY IS ALRIGHT?!


Denn created a topic of Jinx

Ok ch gushing first then logical thoughts later…
KIM DANNNNN SO CUTE SLEEPING and jaekyung glancing a look and that lil heh… also rip his shoulder ngl as someone who repeatedly jacked my knee i wasn’t able to play much of the sports i play esp them being heavy on footwork… i really do feel his situation HES A DICK.

Also hes a massive cunt but its clear he still has something right like knowing how to take care of an elder (ehem jaekyung x kim dan’s gramma) and him protecting Dan against those mfc mfs (Mother Fucking Cunts)… AUTHOR KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WITH THAT ONE and i know some ppl are eating that up… i know i am bcs lets be real, honestly we’ve all been reading these stories and why are yall still here if you guys dont enjoy it even a lil bit?

Okay lets get logical and ppl calling Dan stupid for falling for jaekyung… Mans did not have the best life- if a person was raised in a good family and a good environment and experienced a ‘normal’ life then you’d know what wrong and right… BUT TAKE NOTE Kim Dan wasn’t- he grew up having to take up all kinds of shit and abuse (from the loan sharks and assuming other ppl coz he’s poor and have no parents- bullies and ppl saying shit in general) and he had to take care of his grandma- THEN a famous asf dude offers to basically pay for your grandmas medical and pay you (Gave you a very high paying job) and when u lost your house that dude offered to let you stay at his place and even agreed to take that precious thing that belonged to ur grandma- all THAT? For treating him (basically my job) and working on his jinx (part of their contract) —(this is what i think is going inside dan’s thoughts)— his ‘normal’ was worse than what jaekyung was giving him so in comparison jaekyung is like the holy ghost to him- even if we know that him getting treated like that isnt.

So blame jaekyung… blame the world… blame the author for writing it like that (but honestly jinx has the same concept as bj alex so why are yall surprised?)… but the person that is literally least to blame in all this is Kim Dan

Denn created a topic of Lookism

Lol dont give Goo a fucking sword wtf… but also mr tom i like u and all and it pains me to see u get ur hand cut off (bo more dick touches) but like why must u be on that lil bastard’s side

Goo go fuck em up pls