Star moon asked a question

Why did it take me so many tries to sign in when it? Was there some kind of update or something?

Star moon add 1 photos to Album

Not the best way to explain how big brother and sisters work at least in my opinion

Star moon add 1 photos to Album
Star moon created a topic of Remarried Empress

Can’t we just see them being all happy and all the magic stones removed so Nevier can live a happy new life with Heinry? I mean come on he already made the nests yet I still can’t understand completely but I guess it has to do with his clan I still hope they get rid of that bastard of an emperor!!

I remember the intro to the show by heart the first episode was so funny how I remember every line! Epppp my childhood show is on here now I miss shows like this

Star moon created a topic of Remarried Empress

I hate his spit personality it’s disgusting

Umm… how pervy is she going to be about muscles it’s kinda ridiculous. I understand that she is old then the character in her story so now she a child instead of an adult but still it’s ridiculous

It’s nice to see new a character

lol what she said to the ML in ch 30 I say to my dad too except for I say stand up straight not sit straight

Ok I’m not far in but seriously why doesn’t he just get married!! Ya sure I get that probably won’t be the point of the story but still he could find someone even though he already adopted her or at least understand love

Star moon created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

More updates plz I hate cliffhangers

Has this been dropped or is this going to update again cuz it’s been a year since and they left it on a cliffhanger

More updates plz it’s getting really good!! I’m so glad that he was stripped from his position lol he totally deserves it too!!

Star moon created a topic of Escape Room Game

Why is Geon-woo so fucking insane? I mean come on he sometimes goes overkill

Star moon followed a goer

I don't care what you guys say and if you want to email me a complaint I'd be happy to ignore it and ignore you guys, because it's just a waste of my time... Everyone is free to give opinions and comments if you don't like it just ignore it ... So don't be an idiot

12 days