“She got pregnant with me in her mid-twenties, a time when everything the world can offer still can’t satisfy you”
As someone who’s in their mid-twenties, that line got me. It just perfectly expressed what you feel at that age. Where you can do so much ,and want to do so much, that nothing is enough.

Idk why everyone wants him to be with Masayuki, like if he really was such a great person then he wouldn’t have tried to force his own feelings on the uke. Sure seme is a fuckboi but in the end he let it all go for the uke. Plus just cuz he’s a fuckboi doesn’t mean he also can’t get love wtf. And Masayuki I liked him at first, but let’s be real just cuz someone is great and always there for you and listens doesn’t mean you like them. If there’s no spark then there is nothing, can’t force something that clearly doesn’t exist. Uke liked the seme from the beginning, he was interested in him and watching him, he just knew he was a fuckboi so didn’t wanna mess with him. But seme has proven he’s serious about him so...
Damn Ah-juicy looking mouthwatering ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
But that other dude better leave our poor cutie alone!!
Can’t wait to see what Ah-juicy will do when he finds out.