If you at the start hated Hail for butting in now U hate "The God Of Pain" bitch hes not even worth my brain cel... I can't seem to remember his name at all because hes such a mother*ucker ... heš a 100% BIG MEANIE, how can you betray someone and regret it... you betrayed him to get Khaol and now that hes got him he doesnt need him... like bitch I just want to murder The God of Pain.... Hes really pain in the ass

I haven't started reading it, but is this romence???Who does she fall for (father)???
I'm just asking because In cover she looks like 10 year old at most and I read the first ch and the other guy is her father... I'm so lost...what is hapening?
pls somebody answer...

The best way to describe this is that she is reborn. The main conflict of the story revolves around one, surviving, and two, her dad and all those connected to him. She has two possible male leads who you'll see later on, but like the others already said, it is not her dad. I personally love the series because it doesn't revolve around only romance, but keeps a mix of drama with her romances sprinkled in there. I'm not sure if you've read reincarnation stories before, but this is a very common troupe where the daughter must do something related to her father. In this case though, it doesn't stay sappy, the comedy is cute and fluffy, and the drama is, well, dramatic. Hopefully you'll like it

I like reincarination manga, but only straight... I don't think that they have something like that in yaoi version. But I like your description...I will maybe read it... and thank God I really at first tought what tf will I be reading 10year old daughter ar who even knows how year old father. Thank you for responding. <3
Why most handsome guys are like this mf,,,, can I get a knife and teleport? bish If awkwardness could kill I would be long gone... and if I could only kill those mother fuckers bshjbcjbdbuj