I know he's good ,but I hate seeing his face whahahah he looks like a dog with a ribbon around his neck..he's not even pretty..do not compare him to Aerock
I don't like it hehehe...why do all of them have to die and have multiple lives for revenge ahhahah I wish. I can do it too.. unfair whahahahhaha
I just read it again ahahha when I'm bored and no idea what to read. This is one of my pick me again to read whahaha I love them
I just hope there's Klopp's POV on season 1. It just crazy how klopp in S1 &S2 seems different person...What makes him able to resist Aerok in S1 and not in S2...I'm trying to make myself to see him in different light.
Am I the only one loving this story? Hehehe I love how fck up it is whahaha.. I'm rooting for nate