Procrastinator February 26, 2024 9:07 am

Whenever I read a BL I'm into, even the slightest details make me gush. Everything about this had me flipping out. So cute, so perfect, it's MY everything.

Procrastinator February 26, 2024 6:47 am

Couldn't even help myself, finished in one sitting while sick. Aside from coughing, I was in my teenage girl phase. Kicking my legs and giggling.
Top tier shit.
So sad, I need MORE. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    DESIREE February 26, 2024 10:23 am

    righttt i love it, it's so unique from the usual ones they make today.

Procrastinator April 26, 2020 12:09 am

I'm not to used to gore, but goddamn this shit is amazing. At first I was weary and didn't think too highly of it, but I'm totally excited to see more.
I'm hooked! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Procrastinator November 10, 2019 9:16 am

I found Ivan just adorable, something about the way he acted just had me falling in love with him. Hen clearly felt the same way I do, just look at that happy couple.

Procrastinator November 10, 2019 9:09 am

This is definitely a love or hate it situation, or more of a 'hit or miss'. I personally can't say I hated it, because I found myself enjoying it a bit. Though you can't really complain or go 'wtf' if you read the title and decide to read it. That's on you, boo.

Procrastinator November 10, 2019 8:54 am

Not really sure I like the protag after dissing the manager when he was younger, what a douche lol. His siblings are so adorable though.

    smolmins November 10, 2019 10:27 am

    And that's why kids, we shouldn't "like" people based on how they look-- the protagonist is some big douchebag

    afroluv November 14, 2019 6:14 pm

    Well karma has been making him suffer with horrible boyfriends so he has already paid for that rejection over and over again

    Vmin love child November 22, 2019 12:10 am

    that sounds so hypocritical, you probably wouldn’t date an ugly or weird looking person but the Mc has to? Loool he wasn’t even rude, just honest

    Procrastinator December 28, 2019 8:45 am
    that sounds so hypocritical, you probably wouldn’t date an ugly or weird looking person but the Mc has to? Loool he wasn’t even rude, just honest Vmin love child

    A weird thing to suggest, I don't judge people on their looks. Just personality, but thanks for assuming.

    Vmin love child December 28, 2019 12:17 pm

    That’s something only an ugly person would say tho, personality

    GoSpark January 17, 2020 3:19 am
    That’s something only an ugly person would say tho, personality Vmin love child

    Hm.. not necessarily. A person would need that physical attraction first, to increase and keep the interest. But what really will make it last is his/her personality. Like yeaahh he has a good face but hes narcissistic af and always brags about himself and expects you to feed their ego and cater to them. you wont enjoy it. (most 7-10/10 ppl are like this, ive dated several or i just have bad type lol! ) But find a man who is decently looking but makes effort for you, even if you dont like him yet, you might or might take advantage because you have your own personality and wills. XD

    People masquerade. They can be kind on the first months of your relationship and change back to their habits. Personality shrines thru. Just takes time to know it. And some dont wanna bother, so quick route!

    Procrastinator January 21, 2020 10:48 pm
    That’s something only an ugly person would say tho, personality Vmin love child

    Are you just an asshole cuz you feel like it? Lol.
    Please grow up and respect other people's opinions. Thank you.

Procrastinator September 10, 2019 8:57 am

The ending was nice, but damn, I feel empty. Alex killed from insecurity, that who he was wasn't good enough for people to love him. So he killed them before they could leave. I felt bad for the guy, actually. Goddamn.

Procrastinator June 9, 2019 10:20 pm

I've never found a Doujinshi so good before. I'm a new fan of JJBA and I won't lie, I've always wondered what it would be like if Jonathan was turned instead of Dio. This art was amazing, the story telling made me shiver. How Dio, Jonathan, Zeppeli and Speedwagon's events tied in to the main picture was well written. Their personalities were spot-on. I'm honestly gushing at this and it brought me to tears. After reading this I can certainly say that Jonathan was better off staying human in the original. Seeing him so torn of his new found inhuman self was cruel. Jonathan always relied on his humanity to keep him going, yet even in this Alternate Universe* he still held that old part of himself. I'm happy that even in this AU* Speedwagon was still by Jonathan's side. Overall I'd recommended this to anyone who enjoyed Part 1 or who'd like to get a feel of what things would've been like if things turned out differently. Great stuff, easiest five stars I could ever give.

Procrastinator June 9, 2019 6:10 pm

I'm actually in shock that an old lady game-ended Sangwoo. I liked him alot and now I don't know how to feel. I'll just eat some ice cream.

    Snjsjs June 10, 2019 6:52 am

    Me to I was crying and eating pizza with my friend s

    Procrastinator June 10, 2019 10:24 am
    Me to I was crying and eating pizza with my friend s Snjsjs

    Pizza is a good way to soothe a broken heart.

Procrastinator May 26, 2019 8:50 am

I dunno, sometimes I indulge in dumpster fires like this.
"Sex scenes" are weird and the art gets wonky at times. Not to mention writing a story about taking advantage of a mentally disabled person is tasteless and e u g h.

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