Fanboiii's experience ( All 1 )

28 06,2020
My best friend who I’ve been crushing on for over year confessed to me today. I’ve literally never been so happy in my life and we are now girlfriends.   2 reply
28 06,2020

Fanboiii's answer ( All 25 )

I would get rid of my boobs even if I didnt get wings   reply
27 07,2020
Really depends on the time period. In “olden times” when the life expectancy was low, women were married off as soon as they hit puberty, so they would be able to produce and take care of as many children as possible before they die. Men would continue to marry young women until they had enough for at least one live past them. It was just a nec......   1 reply
16 07,2020
I shave my armpits because the only reason it’s there is to make you smell. I don’t have energy to shave anything else tho lol   1 reply
10 07,2020
Marriage is a basic right and there’s no reason for it to be taken away from gay presenting couples. It’s not “gay marriage”, it’s just marriage. There’s no difference.   reply
08 07,2020
I live in NYC and the situation is still quite bad here so, I have to.   reply
15 06,2020

Fanboiii's question ( All 3 )

I’m just really curious as to what the school system is like for diff people. Stress levels, bullying, etc.
10 05,2020
I have a very Christian family and mom but I am an atheist. My mom forces me to go to church services and even read parts of the Bible over and over again until I can act like I’m not repulsed. I try to be as respectful to religion but the way my mom acts makes me resent it. Not only that, but religion is also so heavily linked to hatred for the queer community.

I’m trying to understand other viewpoints and not sound rude. I would like to ask a few questions.

1. Are you religious, do you believe in god(s) or some sort of higher power? - If you are an atheist, do you still have some sort of “spiritual” belief?

2. If you are religious, how do you feel about atheists, do you resent them, wish to convert them, or have no issues whatsoever?

3. If you had a child and they happened to have different opinions how would you treat them? If they showed signs of depression related to you forcing your beliefs on them would you still do so, yell at them, even?

4. (This is mildly unrelated but I’m cutie curious) I heard some people, though reading Bl and/or Gl, have issues with queer people in real life. Is this true, and if you feel that way, why?

Pardon if my grammar is bad, I am not quite good at it.
05 04,2020
I started reading yaoi when I was nine..
22 06,2019

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

3 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

5 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


15 hours