Well for me it was a happy ending i guess. We met through a common friend. Before i confessed to him, i told that common friend i had feelings for him and he told me to give up because he was still in love with this girl from his old school. I gave up and ignore my crush for 4 months because i needed to burry my feelings. Afterwards, we ended up be...... 2 reply
Boys are very ignorant sometimes. Dont wait 10 years to tell a guy u like him. Tho u found a better guy afterwards , do have regrets. Be brave be bold and always have a goal in mine . Ps: that 10 year old friendship is still there and we are still bff tho he doesnt know i used to like him hhahahhahaa reply
This relates to me alot. I also think my boyfriend is too out of my league. How did i accept the fact that he was my bf ? I convinced myself that the relationship was just a means for him to experience dating because he never dated before . So for the past 4 months i say in my heart that he truly doesnt love me and always prepare myself for a break...... 1 reply
Only recently i had gotten my first bf and after a month i broke up and found another one in less than 1 month . I know this sounds fast but being single to me means no commitment , no fights , no long nights of you and him debation on rs stuff . Honestly if u hate all the hassel of dating life , single life will seem like heaven. reply