So what if Nocton has a more painful past, Duroa still has the right to feel what she is feeling: CONFUSION> honestly you hate FL for not loving or not liking Nocton, for making it hard for him? If you thought your life was in danger, would you fall in love with the danger? Sorry if I'm the only one who values my life and my right to choices, but don't expect everyone to understand things when there has been no conversation. He never truly told his story, she's never truly told him her thoughts. They need a convo where nobody interrupts, and they just pour their hearts out.

I really love your comment ! If the caracters were perfect, the story would be BORING. I like that they have a crazy side even if in our world i would not like them. I like the fact that it's a
fictional story, and the author can do EVRYTHING he want with HIS caracters. If people don't like them even if it's a fictionnel story then it's their problems ?
But ok, "I'll raise you" isn't giving off the best dynamic, I hope the officials word it differently or something. (/TДT)/
I love absolutely everything else.