Pssh, until yaoi becomes illegal, it'll remain important to me. Even if it is illegal, I'll still buy it through the black-fujoshi-market, heh.
I'm 28 and some elderly ladies keep asking me: "Why are you not married? Why you don't have kids? What are you waiting for? " Because back in their days, they married first idiot they met. My coleague also do this. Because she was married at age 19. And at age 28, she was divorced with three kids. Apparently she's angry that I don't have problems ......
"Why do you look so angry/depressed all the time?" I really fucking hate it when someone asks me this. It's my fucking face, I can't do anything about having a resting bitch face for fuck's sake. "You should really go out more instead of playing video games at home by yourself" Oh, fuck you. It's my life and I enjoy spending it inside much more ......
Will you, like, stop reading Yaoi/Yuri someday??