Ok I can cope with the you need plastic surgery part (it still makes me mad though that he said that because he's cute just the way he is) but what you're NOT gonna do author is put colorism in here! IDC if it's "JUST" a comic, that is so rude. How you gonna judge someone because of their skin. Just because you're lighter doesn't make you better than anyone else. This comic just made colorism worse than what it already is. I WOULD LIKE FOR THE AUTHOR TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE THIS IS JUST WRONG!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I would like some raws. Thank you very much sir or ma'am. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Here’s the rough English translation of ch 20-22: https://silverblossombells.dreamwidth.org/

I'm so confused... Can anyone explain as to what's going on???

Nvm, I re-read chapters 27 and 28 and I now understand. For those who DON'T understand.. basically on chapter 27 when the blonde guy is standing outside of the work place he is waiting for the guy that he stalks btw the guy who was waiting is a different person. He is now they guy who stalks the main character when they guy that he stalks comes out he says hey to him but he walks past and ignores him. As he walks past him he accidentally bumps into the main character who is being stalked also, he says sorry and helps him pick up his stuff, after that those two talk a bit and then the stalker (not the main character stalker but a different one) starts calling his prey cutie and etc. The guy being stalked tells the MC that he knows what's happening to him and that he's being stalked, the MC tells him to Ming his own business and then the stalker tells his prey that it was rude of him to bump into him and that he should get him a drink. While the prey does that they stalker (not the MC stalker lol) starts talking to the MC and says that of he ever needs help he can call him. That's all that happened in chapter 27, in chapter 28, the MC goes home and like always the stalker is at home waiting for him, he then says, you met him right? They have a little small conversation and then the MC leaves. Later on the 2 stalkers meet up because like I said earlier, there are 2 different stalkers, they just look similar idk if they are brothers or twins or just friends but they later meet up and the MC stalker talks about how the other stalkers prey needs to back up off of his prey because he's "his" they talk a bit more and yeaaahh... That's really all to it I tried my best to make it understandable, if you don't understand I'm sorry. It took like 4 mins to type this lol
I need rAws!!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧