He is a toxic POS. He is invited to meet your current boyfriend/husband and he is casually mentions the ex? And also keeps at it because "he was so sure they would get married and doesn't get why they broke up"? That is no friend...

The friend seemed somewhat apologetic with that expression, but still, fuck him. Who the fuck mentions Hazel, an ex of all things, when the partner is here? Disgusting! I guess it’s fine if they are friends but clearly it ended on bad terms, unless the friends of ML didn’t know. Either ways, I hated that scene where the friend mentioned the ex. Nobody cares.

Oh the typical "I am not going to even read and respond" and then block you , when there is no argument for you to justify your stupidity. And you are queer and acoare but I am the one copying TikTok trends. "This was SA!!!!" said the person that rushed here to read it before people that like it even came here because ...obsession "I read it first and it sucks I hate it I will read every chapter and tell you how it sucks every time". YOU ARE SUCH A FAKE.

People talking about grooming and toxic in a VAMPIRE STORY is killing me. If you only know vampires from Twilight leave this alone. Vampire is gore, lust and murder. Vampires don't have age gaps.If you read what Vampirism symbolize is "The folklore vampire represented not only sexual, religious, and societal deviance, but also the threat of invasive values from other cultures, symbolized by the spread of vampirism like a disease". And you are like "omg the priest that killed and eat his parents 'raised' him, how can they have sex". Brains should be use for thinking. It's ok if you don't like vampires (the gore, the debauchery). I get you, not your cup of tea. But coming to a Vampire series (and a hard core one) and be like omg age cap, omg grooming, omg gore, omg rape honestly.... Go touch grass. Like reading a book about the life of a young black boy in South Carolina in 1800 and be like "disgusting this story has slaves!!!!" REALLY?

The problem is that all these fake keyb warriors take serious real life issues and turn them to toilet paper. I saw a yt criticizing a silly manwua "the girl was 10 and she saved the wounded dragon and after 10 years they met again and he marries her" Comments "isn't this disturbing?" Yeah he saw her for 20 mins when she was 10 and he was like 13 and it is disturbing...People are plainly idiots. And in actual disturbing cases they watching TikToks

I get what you mean but the situation with the priest specifically is the process of grooming lmao. He physically did raise a child into becoming his lover and had that intent. If they didn’t raise a kid and have that intent for a while, then I wouldn’t call it grooming. But the fact that mc has mentally been raised to think a certain way, shows

At 15 your parent remarries and they are like hey this 21yo is your sibling now. And you will be like "this is my brother/sister"? It can happen if kids are young. But it can also never happens. A piece of paper does not make someone magically a sibling. It is a slow process that may or may not succeed. So who cares if he likes his "step brother" that when he met was an adult!

He didn't have sexual contact with his bil while he was married to his sister. They had sex after they divorced. "Oh but you don't get involved with your sister's ex.". Yeah but she actually got involved with her brother's ex first. And she knew it, but pushed it. She literally told him to leave her brother and get with her. Uke is also kind of an ahole because he did. But I think it is his plan to "separate" the siblings. Yeah he is a little brain burned.
She staged it all. At the end of ch1 she is smiling while she pretends she sleeps. She said she left the door unfixed on purpose. She stayed naked waiting for him, and she lied at her grandma that there are no guests at the moment (while the man stays there and has prepaid for many days). And he also knows that when you touch someone, unless they are in a comma or dead drunk they will wake, so he knows she acts like she is sleeping. I mean... She flashed her p at him in purpose. And he still didn't get after her, he just realized when he took her to bed that she is playing the sleeping beauty