My current wish is that this just stays a hardcore bromance between hanbin and atisse. The worst thing that could happen to a story like this is a romance that drags down the entire plot. I’ve read a lot of stuff where the love interest completely destroys the plot of an otherwise great read and I don’t want that to happen here.

Ok so based on the information given I think his level is somewhere between 1000-2000, up to maybe 4500. 1000 is what would happen if he leveled up 1 a month every month for the 22 years and 4500 is if it was every week for the 22 years. Considering the lich was level 72 and that powerful... our Mc is slightly terrifying!

I ship aeric and artis, I feel like they balance each other out really well with artis being more out spoken and aeric being more reserved but both sharing similar situations and ideals. Not saying they have to be in a romantic relationship, just that I wouldn’t mind if the story went that way cause they genuinely seem to match each other pretty well.

I feel like Julius knows he’s in love with her for two reasons: 1) At the beginning he said “YOU don’t love me” not I don’t love you 2) he hesitated before responding that he liked her to when she said she didn’t love him. I just think that julius either knows he’s in love or suspects he might be

I think he’s more or less confused about what he’s feeling towards her. As he said, he had never fallen in love before. Right now, he might feel something towards her (and we all know its love of course) but he couldn’t name what he’s feeling. He doesn’t understand what love is and with how she explains what ‘love’ is in her experience during her past life, they really both couldn’t figure out that they already falling for each other
I said yes! out loud when yiyoung kissed him and then teared up when he started crying on the bus. I’m too emotionally invested in this fictional relationship